𝟎𝟎𝟏; ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴇɪʀᴇss

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Everyone settle down in their seats but Sam rush to sit next to her cousin Draco as she hugged him. Freddie felt his heart break again seeing Sam hugged a blonde boy that wears a green tie. Carly cheers Freddie up assuring him he can win her heart against him. 

As the screen is now starting to show but turn out to be appearing a young girl's room.

As the screen is now starting to show but turn out to be appearing a young girl's room

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A pink luxury princess room.. A long blonde hair girl was sleeping having a nice dreams until a certain someone decided to interrupt her slumber. "Aurora its time to wake up." A nice lovely voice stated. Aurora groaned as she sat up glancing at Aunt Andromeda. "Yes, Auntie." She pouted as got up from her bed and as she yawned tiredly she snapped her fingers as her bed was fixed immediately. 

That familiar face looks like Sam. Carly, Freddie, Marissa, and Spencer glanced at Sam who is not paying attention to them but to her wand she hid under the table she heard whats going on with her cousin Harry and decided to give a revenge payback to Granger and Weasley.

Then Aurora went down the stairs as she slide down the rails as Nymphadora seem a bit concerning about her cousin. "Careful now, we wouldn't want to go St. Mungos after that, dear cousin." Nymphadora warned her. "I'll be fine, Nymphie." Aurora stated as she got off then two girls went to the dining room to eat.

As two owls appeared one of them holds Hogwarts while the other holds Beauxbaton Academy. Andromeda pick up two letters gave it to Aurora to read it. 

"Whoooa that is rare. You gotten Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. Lucky!" Nymphadora pouted as her hair changes from original to purple.

"Read one from Beauxbatons dearie." Andromeda stated. As Aurora open the letter and reads it out loud,

"Dear, Aurora Black

I'm pleased to inform you on your acceptance to the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic; " where magic needs magnificence ". At Beauxbaton Academy, people of an unimaginable nature attend to learn more about their gifts. As well as improving our magic, we learn etiquette, poise and more. Look to the back to find enclosed a list of supplies and equipment needed.

Au Revoir,

Madam Rochelle" Aurora read the letter then notice the letter next to it she felt a bit untrustworthy it seems normal but her magic reacted too quickly.

"What about the Hogwarts Letter? Are you going to read it? Cousin?" Nymphadora asked.

"I wanted to but that letter has some compulsion charm in it." Aurora pouted. That alerted Andromeda the most she picked up the letter from her daughter and waved her wand to see it herself as it was true this was covered with compulsion charm that pissed her off.

Minerva gasped at that then glared at Albus on that part. "I was about to write her a letter but Albus beat me to it." She protested. "It's not your fault, Minerva." Andromeda said to her former professor but glared at Dumbledore.

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