Chapter I: Combine Arrive

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-Year: 2024-

-Planet Location: Remnant-

-Day(s) when the Combine Empire colonized The Dragon Territory and the arrival of the Combine Empire: One day ago-

-Kingdom Location: Dragon Territory-

-Gloomy Day-

-Ruby POV-

Me, my team, my family and Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and Winter just arrive at the Dragon Territory, in the forest, as we went to the train station as we saw many people were wearing blue clothing and white clothing, but once we arrived at the city, it all pretty bad, there are litter everywhere, trash bags every, also when we enter a building, but when a security came from behind the fence. And he use his baton and knock the empty can towards us.

 And he use his baton and knock the empty can towards us

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Combine Security: Pick up that can.

I walk towards the can and pick it up and he said.

Combine Security: Now, put it in the trash here.

Ruby: Okay.

I put it in the trash as he said to me.

Combine Security: Alright, you can go. *turns around and walks away.* Hehehehe.

We walk through the fence, now we are outside again, as Glynda said.

Glynda: Well, he was rude, and has no manners.

Weiss: I agree with Headmistress Glynda. They have no respect!

Then we heard gunshot, as we follow the sounds of the gunfire, and saw what the soldiers are executing people. But none of them didn't care, as they saw us and aim their weapons at us.

Combine Soldier1: FREEZE!

We didn't move, as their commanding officer was radioing to his advisors. And he looks at us, and said.

Combine Officer: Contain them!

They walk towards us, and Ironwood to them.

Ironwood: Now hold on! I am a Genera-

We saw one of the soldier smack Ironwood in the stomach hard, as we been handcuffed and taken into the trucks, and blindfolded us, and taken us to somewhere. Some time later, the truck came to a complete stop, and forcing us to go into the unknown building since we have to be guided since we are wearing blindfolded, and later we stop when the soldiers take our blindfolds. And saw oh-no... my husband, wait I remember now, I was 23 in their world and I was 15 in my world.


Advisor: Well, well, couple of humans just walk into my house, and, wait, *looks at Ruby

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Advisor: Well, well, couple of humans just walk into my house, and, wait, *looks at Ruby.* oh shit... COMBINE, RELEASED THEM AT ONCE!

The Combines soldiers released as my husband, the Advisor grab me and pulled me closer as I blush, everyone was confused.

Advisor: My wife, have you eaten well? Stayed healthy? And-

Summer: Ruby, why did he called you his wife? You're 15 years old! Better explain this to us now!

Ruby: Oh um...

Advisor: Allow me, years ago, your daughter, Ruby, somehow teleported to my world, also in my world, her age is 23. And we have a child. And I have the holographic of her.

The holographic appear showing my adult self... which was embarrassing to me...

(Ruby Rose as adult(23)

(Ruby Rose as adult(23)

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Qrow: Oum damn.

Tai: Holy crap,

Raven: Why did not surprise me.

Summer: My word...

Everyone else when Y/n kick the door open, as she wears her combine uniform.

Everyone else when Y/n kick the door open, as she wears her combine uniform

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Y/N: Back. And dad, more human... *saw mom.* Oh, hi mom. Wait why are you here?

Ozpin: We will explain this now.

Advisor: Tomorrow it is then, I work so hard, let us rest, then we talk tomorrow.

Everyone agreed that we should rest, as we went to bed.

-To be continue(I am little sleepy)-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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