Hanahaki = Sun Wukong x reader

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Pronouns; She/Her

Requested? No

[Romantic] = Platonic

Summary; Sun Wukong likes Y/N, but little does he know that she was suffering from a specific disease. That's right! Hanahaki.

Y/N was hanging out with MK and Mei on Flower Fruit Mountain. She was watching as MK and Sun Wukong fight- Well, not really fight. They were training with together.

It was enjoyable for you to say the least. I mean, seeing your friend fight one of the strongest beings on earth is amazing. MK kept beating Sun wukong's ass every time Sun Wukong was distracted.

But he would mostly get distracted about the fact that Y/N would keep her attention on MK. MK thought it was strange since he never seen his mentor being this distracted, all because of Y/N.

So when Mei and Y/N left after watching and Sun wukong fight, he decided to quickly ask Sun Wukong, Monkey king. "Hey Monkey king?" MK asked, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"Yeah, bud?" Monkey king replied, raising an eyebrow. "Um, why are you always distracted? Well, not always but sometimes." MK replied. "It's like your attention is on me, but sometimes it's on Y/N," MK pouted and slouches his back. Suddenly, MK's eyes started to lit up as a smile came to his face. "do you like her?"

Monkey king's face starts to heat up a bit, "Um.. Of course not!" He chuckles nervously, crossing his arms and glancing away. "Are you sure? You seem like you like her." MK smirks and raised an eyebrow. "Er... Maybe I do like her," Monkey king looks back at him and approaches MK. "just a tiny bit though." Monkey king added shortly.

It makes sense for Monkey king to not like a mortal. There are other people in the world! He can choose them, but MK had a feeling about something.. Something was lurking inside of Monkey king, and MK knows its the feeling of love Monkey king's feeling.

"Ah, that's sad," MK sighed, "Y/N's gonna miss you." MK added. "Huh? What do you mean?" Monkey king replied. "Haven't you heard?" MK asked, scratching the back of his head. "Heard about what?" Monkey king replied, summoning his cloud and sitting atop of it. MK frowns and rubs his neck, glancing away.

"Heard about what?" Monkey king repeated as he summons his peach chips using his hair. How on earth is MK gonna tell him?! Just be direct or something else? Whatever, as long as Monkey king already knows.. It's fine.

"Y/N is dying."

Nevermind, that is not fine.

As Monkey king heard about this, he immediately began choking on the peach chips he ate and spat them out to the side, causing MK to stare in disgust, I mean, who wouldn't? "Y/N IS WHAT?!" Monkey king yelled, his eyes widening in fear. "Yeah, she has been throwing up these f-flowers and I don't think it's good!" MK frowned.

"Hanahaki." Monkey king mumbled. And with that, he stood up on his cloud, grabbed MK's collar, and threw him on Monkey king's back as the cloud sped off to Y/N's home.

Y/N's pov;

"Oh gods.. not again-" You were in the bathroom, kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet as you threw up. Mei was outside the bathroom door, waiting impatiently and in fear. "Are you okay, N/N?" Mei sighed and enters the bathroom, seeing you throw up was kind of normal to her. But the amount of flowers you threw up was not normal to her anymore

Mei and MK were the only people who knew that you had the Hanahaki disease. It was a rare disease, but they didn't think that you would get it. It was scary for them to know that their best friend would die, but you know that they would move on from your death... or would they?

"Y/N!" Mei wrapped an arm across your back and rubs it gently. "I don't think I can do this anymore.." You mumble and lean against Mei. "Then confess to Monkey king!" "I can't! He's an immortal being, and I'm just a fragile mortal who can't even handle a simple disease!" You cry, tears streaming down your cheeks.

Mei sighed and flushed the toilet that was filled with flower petals dipped in blood. "Not everyone can handle a simple disease. Monkey king is really worried for you, N/N. You have to tell him, whether he likes you back or not!" Mei sighed and hugs you tightly.

You cried softly into Mei's shoulder and wrapped your arms around her. "Just tell him those 3 words, please N/N. I don't want you to die." Mei pleaded, you can tell that she wouldn't move on of you had died from this disease, probably the same with MK. Speaking of MK, where is he?

"W-Wait, Mei?" You ask, your throat burning. "Hm?" Mei raised an eyebrow. "Where's MK?" You replied, rubbing your throat. Mei helps you and caresses your neck, not in a sexual way, but in a way to help you calm down. "MK is with Monkey king-"

Suddenly, the door bursts open. Just in time. Monkey king glances around the room before his eyes spot you, immediately he ran towards you, pushes Mei out of the way- softly, and hugs you tightly.

"We came just in time!" MK said. Monkey king didn't pay attention to what anyone said, he just hugs you tightly as if he didn't wanna let go. "I assume you already know?" You ask nervously, hugging Monkey king back as you felt your face heat up.

"Y/N, please don't die on me. Don't die." Monkey king pleaded quietly, "I-Im not dying yet!" You chuckles nervously. "Exactly! Yet, not yet!" Monkey king frowns and sighed. "Who's your crush?!" Monkey king asked, his voice mixed with Jealousy and fear.

"Um.." You glance towards MK and Mei. "You have a crush on MK and Mei!?" Monkey king frowned. "H-Huh? No!" You shake your head. "I like you." You finally said. Monkey king's eyes widen, smiling, "I like you too, Y/N."

All those painful things you felt were gone, your burning sensation in your throat was gone, the hurting sensation in your body was gone, and you were finally healed.

But clearly, you can hear Mei and MK giggling in the background, slowly moving out of the bathroom to leave the both of you alone.

You smile at Monkey king and gave him a soft kiss on his lips, causing him to immediately kiss back gently.

"And that's how I met your father!" You smile as you watch your children look at you with anticipation mixed with fear. "What's Hanahaki, mama?" One of your children ask. "It's a disease where you have to confess to your loved one, otherwise you die.." You mumble.

"Hey." Moneky king mumbled and sat down beside you, slowly lying down and resting his head on your lap. "Hey, sweetheart." You smile and kiss his forehead.

"Eww!!" The children said in unison. You and Monkey king just chuckle softly at them.

You still remembered those memories, but you had moved on from them. Meanwhile, Monkey king was constantly by your side, trying to protect you if you ever get any kind of bruises, scars, or worse.. Diseases. He was clingy, but that's normal for you.

You, Monkey king, and your children can now be in peace. If your wondering about Mei and MK, we'll.. They're obviously flirting with Redson of course, or as Mei would like to call him Redboy.

"Destiny cannot be undone.." Monkey king hears an eerie voice echo. Knowing that this will ruin the relationship between you and him. That's why he was there constantly.

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