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As the celebrations rang out across the battlefield, the group reveled in their hard-fought victory, their voices raised in jubilant cheers as they embraced each other amidst the wreckage of war. But amidst the joy and relief, a shadow lingered over the festivities—a shadow that would soon cast a pall over their newfound triumph.

Unbeknownst to them, the king, wounded and desperate, had managed to slip away from the chaos of battle, his thirst for vengeance driving him to seek out his enemies even in his weakened state. With a sword clenched tightly in his trembling hand, he crept towards Nicholas, his eyes burning with a deadly resolve.

But before he could strike, a sudden movement caught Xiyun's eye, her instincts honed from years of training alerting her to the imminent danger. With a cry of warning, she threw herself between the king and Nicholas, her body taking the full force of the king's blow.

"Xiyun!" Nicholas cried out, his heart stopping as he watched in horror as his friend fell to the ground, her lifeblood staining the earth beneath her. "No, this can't be happening!"

Sara rushed to Xiyun's side, her hands trembling as she tried to staunch the flow of blood from the wound. "Hang on, Xiyun," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "We'll get you help, I promise."

But Xiyun shook her head weakly, her strength fading with each passing moment. "It's too late for me," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I knew the risks when I stepped into battle. I have no regrets."

Tears welled in Nicholas's eyes as he knelt beside Xiyun, his heart heavy with grief and guilt. "I'm so sorry, Xiyun," he choked out, his voice filled with anguish. "I never should have let you sacrifice yourself for me."

Xiyun smiled weakly, her hand reaching out to grasp Nicholas's tightly. "You have nothing to apologize for," she said softly. "You are my friend, and I would do anything to protect you. It was my choice, and I would make it again in a heartbeat."

As Xiyun's strength began to fade, she turned to Nathaniel, her gaze locking with his. "Nathaniel, there's something you need to know," she said, her voice faltering with effort. "The tea I left for you—it was meant for me. The Han family... we are cursed. We can only live until the age of thirty."

Nathaniel's heart constricted with sorrow as he listened to her words, the weight of her revelation hitting him like a physical blow. "But why would you give it to me?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion.

Xiyun's lips quivered with a bittersweet smile. "Because breaking the curse requires a potion brewed from rare ingredients that can only be made once," she explained, her voice growing fainter with each word. "I knew I couldn't undo the curse for myself... but perhaps I could do it for you. I didn't want to die for nothing. I wish nothing but your happiness with Sara.. I have traveled for a long time.. and I never met someone as precious as her... Take care.. all of you.."

As Xiyun's life slipped away, a heavy silence fell over the group, their hearts heavy with grief for the loss of their friend and ally. But amidst the sorrow, there was also a sense of gratitude—for Xiyun's bravery, her sacrifice, and her unwavering commitment to their cause.

And as they gathered around her fallen form, they vowed to honor her memory and continue the fight for justice in her name, knowing that she would always be with them, guiding them and inspiring them to never give up hope, no matter how dark the days ahead may be.

As the dust settled on the battlefield and the group mourned the loss of Xiyun, a somber determination settled over them. They knew that their fight was not yet over, for the king still lurked in the shadows, a threat to their newfound peace and justice.

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