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"Congratulations, your royal highness, you have finished your four years swordsman training, you can finally go home!" The royal driver said. I just nodded. Finally it's over, I can't wait to go back home to meet Nath and mother. It has been four years since I left, none of my letter were replied, maybe my younger brother are forced to study 24/7 in the library. I giggled as my mind portraying Nath's excitedly reading and studying in our royal library. I immediately grabbed few books that I got and put in inside my luggage. I'm sure Nath will love these books. I was in France for the whole four years for my royal training, leaving my little brother alone, but I always asked my uncle to update me about him, well, I'm happy that he is doing well by himself there. Back then he always told me that he feels that he didn't belong in the family, which of course I disagree. The bond between me and him is more than what people could understand. I care less about this stupid title. I just want to be with my family. "You royal highness.." "What?" I questioned while raising my eyebrows. I noticed his face expression— he was scared. I heard rumours about me, they sometimes called me the Ice Prince but guess what? I don't care. Father always told me not to let my guard down, not to show weakness especially to the low rankers. "The car is ready for you, your royal highness," he said with his head lowered. I hopped in the car with a book on my hand, it's for Nath. I can't wait to give it to him.


"Nick, look! I've finished this book!" Nathaniel said with a bright smile upon his face. My eyes grow as wide as possible, and I shake my head slowly, "That's a 300 pages book, Nath, how did you read all that?" I asked in disbelief. I have to admit, my little brother is gifted. He is a genius. We both are only four but his knowledge is so wide. Well, compared to me, I had private lessons with the royal teacher as the next in line, but Nath only did self study but the results are pretty similar or even better than people who took special lessons. We're practically in the same level in academics, but truth is, I enjoyed physical stuff more, like practice sword, fighting and stuff like that although I know it is impractical for the King-to-be to actively participate in those things.

"Mother, where is Nath? Why is he not here to send me off?" I asked while my eyes roaming around, looking for a figure that looked exactly like me. "Nathaniel has an appointment with the royal doctor regarding his health. He is advised not to move too much, you know his condition, right?" Mother replied. I investigate mother's face, there was no a trail of sadness nor loving when she talked about my brother, but maybe I was too young to fully understand. "Can I meet him before I go? I'm worried about him, mother," well, I ended up in disappointment as mother shake her head softly. "Your father does not tolerate late-comers, Nick. Go. Don't make him angry, okay?" I nodded and mother gave me her last warm hugs before I made my way to the royal helicopter when I saw my father was already inside the helicopter, but I noticed that he was angry. His fists were red. I went into my seat and the second I realised, we were already in the blue sky. Father looks bothered but I rather keep my mouth shut.


"Mother!" Nicholas ran to his mother, after four years away from home. The Queen smiled as she opened up her arms for Nicholas and he ended up in her warm hugs— one thing that Nicholas missed the most; home. "How are you, mother?" He asked. "Never been better, my son. I've been thinking of you since day 1 you left" "Me too, mother. But mother, where's Nath? Is he too busy in the library til he forget to celebrate my journey home?" The Queen showed mixed feelings upon her face. Not sure what she should tell her first prince. "Sorry I'm late" a familiar voice hitted Nicholas's eardrum. "Hello there lil bro." Nathaniel put a smile on his face. "Look what I brought for you," Nicholas then passed the book on his book to Nathaniel. To Nicholas surprised, his little bro didn't showed excitement like he used to, maybe because he now, was not him four years ago. Nicholas thought. "That's enough. Go inside, we have more things to do, Nicholas." The King voiced out, and the two brothers could just nod and make their way inside the castle.

"Father, did Nath attend special classes or something? I rarely see him around now." The young prince looked up at his father, not knowing what lay in those eyes. Anger? Sadness? "Yes. Now keep memorizing the war strategy, Nick. Remember, you hold a great power that no one else could take it from you, not even the one you called family," confused, but Nicholas refused to keep up the conversation. His eyes turned to the book in front of him, but his mind was wandering around. Not many things have changed in the castle, yet, it feels strange, more distant than usual. Maybe without his little brother around so much, he felt more like a stranger in his own house.


"Can I not do this?" Asked Nathaniel. "Oh cmon lil bro, how old are you? 4? Even when we were 4 you were much braver than this." Nicholas said with frustration upon his voice. "You need to be stronger Nath, I know all that meds are tearing you apart but that's why you need to fight it even more." He continued. Nathaniel sighed, not knowing what to say to his brother anymore. He then dropped the plastic sword to the floor and walked away, but anger filled Nicholas's heart so he chased his brother, "STOP RIGHT THERE NATHANIEL." He shouted. Nathaniel stand like a rock while he shaped his hand into a fist. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Nicholas continue shouting. "I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO SPAR WITH YOU NICK, WHICH PART OF THAT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND?" Nathaniel started to shout as well. It was his first time talking out loud, that was the loudest voice Nicholas ever heard from his little brother. Nicholas was taken aback, anger now had controlled his mind. He then pushed Nathaniel a little but that poor younger prince just stand still and accept all the physical contact his brother did, which pissed Nicholas even more. "All that meds are messing with your head, Nath. At this point you might lose your balls too." This time, Nathaniel felt his blood rushed to his cheeks. He knew he shouldn't do anything but his brother can't look down at him just like everyone else. He thought. Without him knowing, Nathaniel punched his brother on the face. Blood dripping out from the first prince's face. "So, you can punch, huh?" Nicholas said, with a smirk upon his face. "NATHANIEL! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" A familiar voice came running to them. "Mother, that's okay, I started it-" "I dont care, Nicholas. Whatever it is your little brother should give in," the Queen said as she went straight away to the first prince and wiped the dripping blood on his face. Nathaniel suddenly felt a sharp pain on his chest. Again. His breath was uncontrollable and went fast like a racing car. "Nath!" Nicholas shouted and he ran straight away to his little brother. "Are you okay? Have you taken your meds? Nath, can you hear me?"

How did I go from that little four years old, always happy and laughing, to... this?

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