[22] My Baby Boy

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It's been a week since I and I talked things out and we are on good terms. Elijah wants me to go to Damon to help them with Stefan, but if it's just to stand there, then they don't need my help. I've bumped into Stefan twice, and both times it led us to a fight. It hurt to see him like that, I've only seen the carrying, sweet, and soft side of him. That he has no control and doesn't want to kill any of these innocent people, but can only watch. Coming back to reality hearing my name being yelled from the living room. 

I walk out of the kitchen with my bourbon in hand and a book in the other.  When I walked in, I placed my book on the small table next to an armchair and sat down, taking in my surroundings. My body froze for a second before relaxing, sitting on the couch was Lily and Elijah. 

Not knowing what to do, I take a sip of my drink while looking at Elijah, trying to ask him why she was here. Elijah pulled his suit before talking, "Rora, I'm sure you already met Lily, Stefan's mother..."

I nod. What else was I supposed to do? Give Elijah a hug for knowing who the woman is, and give her a kiss for doing absolutely nothing. 

"Aurora, you seem like someone who values family and will go miles for them. From what I've been told from your brother and the others, is that you and Stefan have something."

I look at her with a blank face, as I listen to what she and everyone else keep saying about me and Stefan. I'll admit, I find Stefan attractive and he makes me want to be better, but that doesn't mean we have something, we can't have something.

" I need your help. I need you to help me bring back my baby boy. Damon believes that I can bring him back but I think you have a better chance of getting to him. I think if we can trap him we could both convince him to turn humanity back on. Please Aurora, I just want to bring my baby boy back, and I think you do too."

I look over at Elijah before looking back at Lily. I get up and stand behind the armchair leaning over it. I swallow the rest of the bourbon that was left in the glass, before talking.

" Does Damon know you're here?"

" Yes, he suggested that I should come talk to you."

"I'll help, but the minute things get out of control, no one is to be stepped in, let me take care of it"

"I agree"

"Alright," I stand up straight and grab my book ready to leave.

"Aurora, do you have a feeling for Stefan?"

I stop dead in track and only look forward, "No. why would I?"

I walked out before she could ask me anything else. 


Here I was, standing behind the bar serving myself and Damon a glass of bourbon. Everyone was at a bar, where we'd be trapping Stefan. The plan was for Elena and Caroline to somehow get  Stefan to come into the bar. Lily, Damon, and I will be inside waiting for Stefan, while the rest will be guarding the outside to make sure that he can't escape. 

At this point, Damon was telling everyone where their supposed to be and making a few last-minute changes. Everyone leaves except for Elena and Caroline, it is silent for a few minutes before someone speaks up. 

"So once Stefan is in here, where do we go?" Elena spoke while being wrapped in Damon's arm. 

"You guys are gonna just sit back and enjoy..." Damon smirks.

"Alright, let's get our Stefan back! On your way ladies!" Damon waves them off.

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