Call Me Maybe

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A/N: This whole chapter basically just explains what happens in the whole 'Call Me Maybe' video. You can skip to after the explination is over. Don't skip this chapter. It's important towards the ending. Also, there is some rated R at the VERY, VERY end. Soooo, beware. 


Holly's POV


Robert, Sarah, Alex, Austin, and I all ended up going to Alex's house to make the 'Call Me Maybe' video. We called a few more people over to be in it, too.

Now, it was Alex, Austin, Robert, Zach, Tyler, Connor, Sarah , Ivan, and me.  

"Okay guys, this is the plan," Alex began, "we are just gonna shoot a bunch of random videos, then a few of us actually singing, then we'll put it all together." 

"Okay!" We all said. 

At the beginning of the song, where the intro music starts, we did 3 different videos of us.

The first video was Robert doing the "picture frame" hand motions around his face with Austin and Tyler in the back ground just acting dumb. The second was me and Sarah just nodding our heads to the beat a few times like in the beginning of the Justin Bieber version. The third was Alex on Zach's back and he was spinning around and jumping. The last one is kind of hard to explain.

"I threw a wish in the well," Austin and Alex were lip syncing and Robert and Ivan were in the background jumping up and down.

"Don't ask me I'll never tell," I was in front of the camera lip syncing and put my finger over my mouth in the 'shh' way.

"I looked at you as it fell," Sarah was lip syncing this part with Alex and he slowly turned his head looking at her in a really creepy way.

"And now you're in my way," Ivan was turned away from the camera, stepping in front of Tyler everytime he tried passing by.

Also, keep in mind that there are random people walking around and dancing in the background of EVERY single one of these videos. 

"I trade my soul for a wish," Robert made it look like his heart was beating in and out of his shirt while making a really sexual face to the camera. 

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss," It was just Austin and I in the camera and he lip synced along with me until I stopped when it said kiss and I kissed his cheek. 

"I wasn't looking for this," Alex had a random water bottle in his hand and threw it behind him while making a weird face. The water bottle hit Ivan in the head. Wrong place, wrong time buddy! 

"But now you're in my way," Zach stood next to Conner and lightly shoved him and then bucked at him a little. 

"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans, skin was showing," Austin and Alex just did a little dance.

"Hot night, wind was blowing," I fanned myself with my hand as if I was saying, 'I'm hot' and Sarah had a mini fan that was in Alex's room and she sat in front of it like she was at a photo shoot. 

"Where you think you're going, baby?" Conner just sang this in front of a camera. 

"Hey, I just met you," Austin and I shook hands. 

"And this is crazy," A few of the guys were just jumping around and did the 'crazy' hand motion near their ear.

"But here's my number," I pretended to give Austin my number, "So call me maybe!" Austin did the phone sign on the side of his head while looking at me. "It's hard to look right," we covered each others eyes"At you baby!" Austin grabbed both of my cheeks with his hands and sang to me like he was trying to be really serious, "But heres my number, so call me maybe." We just sang to the camera on that part. 

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