The Breakup

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It was, by far, the worst fight Clary had ever had. With anyone.

And afterwards, she felt odd, like something was off, only she couldn't put her finger on it.

She couldn't find Jace, and Isabelle's poor attempts at consolation were anything but soothing. He couldn't have meant what he said, could he? It had been in the heat of the moment, and she had said some things herself that she hadn't meant, that had been fueled by the anger pumping through her with every beat of her heart. As if her blood had been boiling, she had said those things and felt the sting of them on her tongue as she spat them.

But she had not meant them. She knew she hadn't. But what was it that Jocelyn had always told her? That there was a bit of truth in everything you say, even if it's a lie? Had that been it? The redhead couldn't recall.


Jace had not come home. Alec could not trace his Parabatai, Magnus could not track him, Isabelle could not hunt him down. It felt almost as if he had dropped off the face of the Earth within the twelve hour time span that had passed since their heated fight.

Why had she said those things? She asked herself this same question time and time again, the heels of her palms pressed into her tightly closed eyes. Something was wrong. She had said the wrong thing and drove him away.

Had she accidentally revealed her...secret during their argument? Was that why he seemingly vanished into thing air?

Secret. The word revolted her. Her and Jace had never kept secrets, but this one—this one, she thought as tremors wracked her slight frame, would be the one to tear them apart.

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