Heterosexual: This is the most common sexuality and people who are heterosexual are sexually attracted to the opposite biological sex or (depending on the person) gender. So males attracted to females and females attracted to males.
Homosexual: This is when someone is sexually attracted to someone of the same biological sex or gender. Males to males, females to females, and so on. Homosexual men are often referred to as gay and homosexual women are lesbians.Bisexual: Someone is sexually attracted to TWO sexes or genders. Most commonly male and female.
Pansexual: Please do not get this confused with bisexuality! This is when someone is sexually attracted to ALL of the sexes and genders. Not just the binary male, female, or intersex. This includes bigender, agender, gender fluid, et cetera.
Asexual: When someone does not feel SEXUAL attraction regardless of sex or gender. Keep in mind that being asexual doesn't necessarily mean you don't feel romantic attraction.
Demisexual: You do NOT feel sexual attraction with someone UNTIL you have forged a strong emotional bond with them. Some people argue that this can just be classified as graysexual but it depends on your opinion.
Heteroromantic: People who are heteroromantic are romantically attracted to the opposite biological sex or (depending on the person) gender.
Homoromantic: This is when someone is romantically attracted to someone of the same biological sex or gender.
Biromantic: Someone is romantically attracted to TWO sexes or genders.
Panromantic: This is when someone is romantically attracted to ALL of the sexes and genders.
Aromantic: When someone does not feel ROMANTIC attraction regardless of sex or gender.
Grayromantic: When someone RARELY feels romantic attraction.
Demiromantic: Someone does not experience romantic attraction unless they have a strong bond with them. I'm not sure about this one. I guess they would need to be very close friends with someone beforehand
Polysexuality: Where someone has sexual attractions to both male and female, but sometimes date both at the same time.
Polyamory: Where someone dates 2 guys or 2 girls at the same time.
Androsexuality: Similar to Heterosexuality, it is where one only has sexual attractions to men.
Gynesexuality: Also similar to Heterosexuality, it is where one only has sexual attractions to woman.
Antihaemosexuality: A man or woman who is only attracted to people who aren't menstruating, basically they will only date older woman who don't menstruate any more, or men.
Menosexuality: A man or woman who is only attracted to people that do menstruate, so basically they will only date woman who menstruate monthly.
Autosexuality: Similar to Asexuality, it is where a male or female is only attracted to themselves.
Gerontosexuality: Where one is only attracted to elderly people.
Grey Asexuality: Where one does not usually experience sexual attractions, but when they do, its usually not strong enough to actually do anything.
Objectum Sexuality: Where one does not have sexual attractions to humans, but does with objects.
Pomosexuality: One who does not label themselves as gay, lesbian, and/or straight.
Sapiosexuality: where one finds sexual attractions through intelligence instead of how they look or act.
Skoliosexuality: Where one only has sexual attractions with transgender people.
Zoosexuality: Where one doesn't have sexual attractions with humans, but with animals, mostly mammals.
Multisexuality: Where one is attracted to more than just humans, also animals/objecrts
Intrasexuality: Where one has sexual attractions to humans and objects, humans and animals, or animals and humans.