For the First Time in Forever

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Three years later...

The day of Elsa's coronation had arrived, allowing for the gates of Arendelle to be open. A dock master greeted those who came off the ship with a warm, "Welcome to Arendelle!"

"Ah, merci, Monsieur," the French Dignitary responded as he stepped onto the dock.

"Watch your step, please. The gates will be opening soon."

Off to the side, a woman attempted to put a jacket on a squirming, whining boy. "Why do I have to wear this?" he complained with a pout.

"Because the queen has come of age! It's Coronation Day!" she responded excitedly.

"That's not my fault."

Kristoff, now grown, hung a carrot around the now-large reindeer. "Whaddya want, Sven?"

"Gimme a snack," he responded for the reindeer in a lower voice.

"What's the magic word?"


He gave him the carrot, shaking his head when Sven took the whole carrot. "Ah ah ah ah. Share."

He spat out half of it, the man taking a bite out of the spit covered half. He took out another carrot and gave it to Y/n, who ate it as she sat on the vendor's stand.

A couple excitedly walked by the blond, the husband chattering away. "I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!"

"And for a whole day, too! Faster, Persi!" She dragged him along, Persi almost tripping over his feet, revealing an old man with glasses and a glorious mustache behind them.

"Ah, Arendelle. Our most mysterious trade partner. Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches." Realizing he was being a bit too loud, he looked around nervously. "Did I say that out loud?"

Ahead were two more dignitaries, one Irish and one Spanish, discussing the coronation.

"Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to see the queen and prince. I bet they're absolutely lovely."

"I bet they are wonderful."


Andar let out another loud snore, his hair disheveled and stuck to the drool coming out of his opened mouth.

"Prince Andar?"

He sat up, eyes still half closed, his hair frizzed everywhere, when he heard his butler knock to wake him. He let out a cough. "Yeah...?" He removed the piece of hair from his mouth, wiping it.

"Sorry to wake you, sir, but..."

"No, no, you didn't wake me..." He yawned loudly, speaking through it. "I've been up for hours..." Beginning to nod off again, she jerked herself up. "Who is it?"

"...It's still me, sir. The gates will open soon. Time to get ready."

"Of course..." He stretched, his eyes still closed. "Ready for what?"

"Your sister's coronation, sir."

"My sister's...cornoration..." His eyes slowly opened, landing on the suit Gerda had picked out the night before. Eyes flying wide now, she whispered, "It's coronation day."


In under a minute, the prince came flying out the door in his suit - black top and green pants that complimented her fiery hair - spinning her around. "It's coronation day!" she repeated excitedly, sliding down the bannister just in time to see the curtains open.

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