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PoV : Roiaru
As the primordial said this, a girl who seemed younger than me stood up, proudly showing off her barely covered body, but no one else seemed to mind it.

Milim : I can give you guys some reasons to let my bestie become a demon lord. Firstly, he's my bestie and my bestie is stronger than Clayman.

The girl would then look up and put her finger on her chin, clearly trying to think of more reasons, but nothing came up, clearly. However, then Clayman would stand up.

Clayman : Well, I think it's preposterous to even suggest such a lowly creature join our ranks! Plus, I say it is too soon. It took each of us thousands of years to reach us, and we will let a slime just come in here despite only being known for less than half a year?!

Clayman would slam his fist on the table and the sound would fill the room. However, an aura that could take a nameless monster's life would fill the room, scaring Clayman as everyone turned their heads to Milim, who was glaring at Clayman with more killing intent than when someone calls her a little girl. However, it would soon be resolved by a few simple words.

Guy : Milim, put your aura away or no food for you.

That shut her aura up quickly as she whistled like she did nothing wrong. However, it was Dagruel who stood up now.

Dagruel : I will say, I dislike the idea of a slime being a demon lord, but if he gives a good fight, I won't mind.

Based on that alone, I could assume he was a battle junkie, and others would give their thought, having three who supported the possible new demon lord, three against it, and three who didn't care as long as he wasn't another Clayman or Ramiris. Then there's me, the only one who has yet to vote and everyone is looking at me.

Me : Wait, wait, wait! I'm voting too?! I'm not even a demon lord!

However, Guy would stand up.

Guy : Yea, you aren't, but you are a proxy for your sister, yes? That means that you are left with the final vote.

Me : I really think I shouldn-

Guy would then split the table and everyone would scoot away. He would then walk to me, a gleam in his eye with one hand up.

Guy : We, the demon lords, are allowing you to vote in one of our decisions. Isn't that an honor that no one should refuse if they are mentally sane?

Guy would then lean close and whisper in my ear as he grabbed both my cheeks with one hand.

Guy : Isn't that right, Roi, ar, u~

Him being this close would make anyone flustered, man or women! I mean, look at those abs! Anyways, I would push him back a little.

Me : Fine! I vote to wait for him to become a true demon lord to join this group due to his race.

Everyone would then start talking about the vote as Guy walked back to his seat. The two servants would then put the table together and would then start bringing out food as that was the only reason why this Walpurgis was called. Soon, everyone would be immersed in talk except for me, Dino because he was sleeping, and Frey as she preferred to talk to my sister as it seems. However, she would soon come over and would lean against my chair using her arm.

Frey : I'm guessing you dislike the demon lords? Is that why you are here, just eating instead of talking with the others?

Me : I guess. I would talk to Milim but she's the center of attention right now so I can't talk to her alone. However, why are you here, talking to a proxy?

Frey would smile at me, and would then walk to the other side.

Frey : It is because Luminous is who I usually talk to other than Milim. However, you are here for her, so I might as well talk to you.

I would sigh as someone would then jump onto Frey, the pink pigtails indicating that it was Milim.

Milim : How are you doing Frey and Luminous's Sister?

Frey would sigh as Milim got off of her, and would go back to her mature demeanor.

Frey : We're good, Milim. We were just talking about small stuff. How are you?

Milim : Good! I'm gonna get bestie to teach my followers how to cook. Those veggies are gonna be the end of me!

Milim would then have a scared face as she thought about the raw vegetables. Then there I was again, forgotten from the conversation and I would sigh. Suddenly, a person with strong force would hug me with an arm and pink hair would get in my face.

Milim : Whaddya think you doing being all alone?

There would be no reply since I was literally being chocked by her on accident due to her strength.

Me : C-can't... Breathe...!

Frey : Milim, you can't forget that she has only become a seed not too long ago, I presume. You have to be more easy on her.

Milim would then let go of me and would look at Frey with a confused look.

Milim : I was holding back though?

I would then hide behind Frey glaring at Milim and her build.

Me : I get that you are a True Demon Lord, but there's no need to be using more than 1% of your strength!

It was officially declared I was scarred for life, but as me, Milim, and Frey talked, the more I wanted to be part of this group as they were actually quite fun to be around them. However, people would soon be finished eating and leaving, The Platinum Saber being the first to go. Soon, it would be just me, Milim, and Guy left.

Me: Cya two next time, I guess?

I would be about to leave but then I heard Milim whisper to Guy.

Milim : Can we make her a demon lord too?

However, before I could respond, I would be back at the holy empire, in my sister's place and I would just sigh.

Me : Me, a demon lord? Can't happen.


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