Falmouth ercassaM

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Official Announcement!
The decided ship has been voted for (only 2 people commented). Now introducing Roiaru x Rimuru.

PoV : Roiaru

What these knights have done was unacceptable. Hinata must have agreed on this too as she went up to Reyhiem and picked him up by the collar.

Hinata : Reyhiem, I gave no orders about anything, so who did?

Reyhiem : *cough* I don't know. I received the message declaring Tempest as our *cough* enemy.

Hinata would put him down and would then go up to the king.

Hinata : Withdraw your troops now. We take back the official order and I saw the excuse you made to gain a legal reason to attack. However, my word is more trustworthy than any of your troops.

Edmaris : I am afraid that is impossible as we are spread across all directions and we already started the war.

Hinata would grit her teeth and would then start walking away.

Hinata : Making two fatal mistakes, you really want Falmouth to go into despair.

Edmaris would then be in shock as Hinata and I walked away. Soon enough, I would be back at Tempest and I would see Rimuru on his knees in front of Shion's corpse, everyone else surrounding him. I couldn't stand to see it and I would just hug him from behind, causing him to flinch.

Rimuru : Roiaru?

He would turn his head a little. He would have stopped crying. Instead, I was the one crying.

Me : I'm so sorry... The holy knights moved without me or Hina's orders.

I would tighten the big around Rimuru as I had my head in his shoulder.

PoV : Rimuru

Why has this happened? Was it a mistake to get involved with the humans?

(Great Sage (GS) : Cannot answer)

Suddenly, an embrace from behind happened, and it wasn't any of my subordinates since they were letting me let out my grief.

Me : Roiaru?

I would notice that I wasn't crying anymore, but she would be instead.

Roiaru : I'm so sorry... The holy knights moved without me or Hina's orders.

Her hug would tighten. Why are you crying. It's my fault that they attacked.

(GS : It is an 89% probability that Roiaru is a high figure in the church. 99% chance that she did not order the attack)

Suddenly, a majin would step up.

? : I am afraid that I am the one who put up the anti-magic barrier. If anything, blame things on me for preventing the people from being able to fight back.

I would look at her with deranged eyes for a second, but then they would go away due to the hug that was still being given to me. I would then stand up, causing Roiaru to be on my back instead. Soon, Youm and Grucius would get in my way.

Youm : Sir, please don't! She had no choice due to Clayman having her heart and threatening her.

I would then knock him aside and then Grucius as well. Then I would stab right in front of her and I would stab her through the heart.

Youm : NOOOOO!!

Youm would then get on his arm and knees as the woman would then open her eyes again.

? : I'm sure I was dead.

Me : I say you were for about three seconds.

The woman would bow and soon, we would be met by a yellow headed girl.

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