Chapter 1

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It's been a month since my family died. Apparently I went into a coma as soon as I got here. When I woke I noted that there was an exceptionally beautiful girl sleep in my bedside chair, I cleared my throat and she awoke drawing a knife from some unknown place. I jumped a little in my bed and when I went to raise my hands in surrender an I.V. ripped out of my arm. Once she noticed there was no threat she rushed over to my bed as I clutched my arm where the needle was. "Remove your hand slowly" she said in a calm but agitated tone. Doing as she said I removed my hand slowly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell we both had the same puzzled look. There was no sign of blood or even a wound on my arm anywhere. She rushed out the room and I just sat there. I got a devestating urge to pee so I crawled out the bed. Thankfully I was able to use my legs.

As I slowly hobbled towards the bathroom, I got a very strong feeling of nerby danger. I looked out the window at all the trees , briefly wondering where the hell am I, and at first glance you would never notice anything out of the ordinary. Then with one visibly strong breeze, I notice that patches of leaves in quite a few of the trees didn't move. What triggered that feeling again was when about thirty or more archers revealed themselves and aimed directly at me.

I dove to the floor just as the first volley of arrows was fired. It blocked out the sun which really made me wonder how many were out there. Simultaneously to me hitting the floor, a nurse walked in just in time for the arrows to burst through the wall and window and get riddled with arrows.

As I watched her die I sat there terrified. I flinched as a second volley came through the enormous hole and pinning to the wall. After about forty-five minutes of silence I crawl out of my hiding spot and hastily stand. I creep towards the hole and peek out. To my strained relief the trees are empty. It's like they were never there. I turn to go and get someone for help and thats when I notice the arrows that hit wall. Bringing back the terror from before he read out-loud what they spelled. "Rest in pieces". I trudged past the dead nurse. My eyes drifted to her corpse. I cringed as I look at her bloody face, and could clearly see the look of agonizing pain in her eye. I looked around to see where the other may have landed, only to find it pinned to the wall by one of the arrows. Disgusted I looked away and inched down the hall, away from all the blood and death.

Less than five minutes went by before the hallway was swarmed by both men and women in all black tactical gear. Somethings were odd though. One reason is the age range the group surrounding me consist of. The youngest had to be seventeen years old , like me, and the oldest had to be in his early thirties. The second reason had to be overly wide range of weapons pointed at me. There was a standard Tac-45 and most extravagant had to be a pair of daggers that was obviously customized.

"Are you okay"? A guy kneeled next to me pulling out medical supplies. He looked like he was in his early twenties. "Yea I'm fine, now get that away from me". He backed away and what , or rather who, I saw next shocked me ten times more than a third volley of arrows would.

"Let's go little brother, it's time to get you somewhere safe". Out of the crowd comes my eldest brother in all black and a pair of scary looking gauntlets. Sitting with a dumb look on my face, he scooped me up into his arms. Then it hit, I blacked out again.

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