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As the helicopter landed at the private school, it finally sank in that the past 48 hours had actually happened. First let me introduce myself. My name is Damien Knight, and according to the principal and founder of Black Ridge Academy and some government officials, I'm a gifted individual. Now let me explain how I got here:

"Hey, son wake up! We're almost at the cabin. You have to help me unload the car." I hear my dad through a sleepy haze. I sit up to see how close we are, but the next few events happened far too quickly. I distinctly remember a black blur with a red streak. It was too fast to identify, but it was strong as hell. It crashed into my dad's door, and we were sent flying! We broke through the guard rail and tumbled down the side or the mountain.

My memory gets a bit spotty, but I definitely remember the crunch of metal and the brief screams of my family as the car rolled downhill, hitting trees and boulders on the way. Then...I blacked out.

The next feeling I experienced can only be described as complete euphoria. My mind throbbed regardless. I blinked a few times to concentrate, then I opened my eyes. I assumed I was hallucinating, because what I saw was far beyond belief. Floating above me can only be described as a cloud of black and red energy. Then that euphoric feeling intensified as it flew into me. The throbbing went away and I sat up with a start. Standing in front of me was a girl in a hooded black cloak. I couldn't see her face but she spoke with a calm tone as if she didn't want to scare me.

"We need to leave before it comes back," she said.

"And what exactly is it that might be coming back?" I asked, as I stood up, brushing myself off.

"They're called greivers. Some nasty bastards If I do say so myself". She explained as she walked pass. I turn around and the memories came back like a slap to the face. I see the overturned SUV, and I run over to check for signs of life, but by the look of the front end, I knew my parents didn't make it. I heard a sound in the back seat and I silently prayed my sister was okay. As I crawled to the side she was on, I look for signs of life, but to my horrific devastation, it was only her head rolling in the breeze.

I sat back as the feeling of complete and utter loneliness sank in. The next sound was recognizable. It didn't fully click in my head until I saw the helicopter touch down a few feet away, and the strange girl was pulling me to my feet.

"Oh no, we don't have time for your traumatic stalls and shit," I could hear her say over the propellers. Next thing I know, I was arriving at Black Ridge.

Code Black: DefianceWhere stories live. Discover now