1 True Friends

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True Friends, are always there for you, you can count on them, you can trust them, you suffer with them, you are happy because of them and you would do anything for them or because of them. A true friendship lasts through the years, no matter what, you are their Ride or die.


Walking down the hall, you keep your head up, school is hell, back stabbing, bullying, socialising and popularity all while trying to keep your grades high enough to keep your parents happy. You didn't really have that problem, and you only had 1 friend, if you want friends make sure they are true, you have had your friend since you were 8 years old, you are now 23, the only problem is they are not here.

You were top of the class, you knew the road your friend was going down years ago and you wanted to hitch on to that train wreck, they go down, you will be with him, but you will do everything to make sure he never goes down.

That's why you are in this hell of academic achievements, entering your class, you ignore everyone, but so do they. This is your last exam, not long now and you can leave this hell hole, graduation with a doctorate.

Yes you are training to become a doctor, you can be a trustworthy doctor, for his men. 8 years is nearly at an end. A nice job at the end of it, he got you a nice private clinic, if you can pay I will treat you, it's funny your friend tried to leave you behind and you told him true friends are not happy if their friend isn't happy, so we are stuck together.

He knew he couldn't hide from you, you would destroy the world for his happiness and him for you. Although you never thought you would deal with the criminal underworld for a living, it's not like you were bothered by it, you had watched your friend kill, and still held him and he has done the same for you.

Finished for the day, you received a call, answering the voice on the other side said "I need a date, you laugh "for sex, for a party, for a relationship cause I can't help with any of them, I don't know any women" he growls and replied "For a party, and you will be my date" you choke "um don't you have women who specialises in that."

He huffs "I don't want some sex maniac hanging off me, and I need a date to keep the prostitutes off me" pulling the phone away from you ear, staring at the contact, blinking and putting back "what sort of party is it?, and when? I just had my final exam, and I will be moving to you in 2 days" he sighs "it's a political party, I have to go and it is at the end of next week, I wanted to ask you now so I can get you a nice outfit." you huff "fine, I will see you in 2 days anyway, be safe" you hang up.

Going back to your little student flat, you have already packed most of it, just a few things left, mainly daily essentials. Looking around, you realise how bare your apartment was, it was a weigh station in your life, a pit stop if you will. Home soon I will be home.


On the other side a man sat at his desk, and sighed with relief he knew she would say yes, but the hoops he sometimes had to jump through were insane. He chuckles 2 more days and she comes home. A knock at his door "Enter" a man with white hair came in "you called Boss, is their a problem?" shaking his head "no I have my date for the political party sorted and I wanted you to find a nice outfit for them. Hang on I have their sizes here somewhere".

He shuffles papers through his drawer, pulling out papers and pictures "Ahah, got it, it was from their birthday 2 months ago, that should be fine right?" He asks looking at the man "Um yes it should be fine, do you have a picture, for colours?" he digs again "You will meet her in 2 days, but I know I have a recent picture. Wait my phone" he scrolls through his phone "here I will send it to you, there. Nothing reveling, she will kill me" nodding as he looks at the picture,"I will go and have a look then Boss" he nods and waves him off.

The white haired man, leaves and returns to his office. He looks at the picture "she sure is pretty, so a slightly larger size, um her colour champagne might work, yes okay I have several for her to try when she arrives" he stops and stares at the picture "but who is she?" shaking his head he gets back to work.


The next day you woke to a knock on the door, you frowned opening the door a nicely dressed man was stood there "Hello, can I help you?" he turns and stares at you, waving at him you say "Hello" he jerks "um sorry, are you miss L/n? I have a package for you" he asks "can you tell me who the package is from?" he looks at you oddly and says "No sorry mam" you nod then "then no sorry, I can't accept it, have a nice day" you say closing and locking the door.

Rushing to your room, you call your best friend, "did you send me a package? Some goon turned up saying my last name and trying to give me a package" you rambled while getting dressed and grabbing your gun, he shouts "Shut up, no, have you got your gun, I am sending some men, they will give you my name. Now hunker down and chill. If he gets in leave by the fire escape and go to cafe/name, see you soon" he hangs up. You start filling a bag with your personal details and some clothes, you are ready to go.

You hear banging and hope the lock holds.

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