14 Pain

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Waking to pain was not going to put you in a good mood, you growled as the arms released you, looking around you seem to be in Mikeys room, you exhale and get up painfully groaning, leaving his room you stumble to the kitchen grabbing a coffee and looking at your painkillers in the top part of the cupboard, you stare then start getting impatient you grab another mug and get ready to throw it.

Not noticing you were watched by 7 sets of eyes as they watched you stumble in grab a coffee and stare angrily at the cupboard it wasn't until you picked up a mug and got ready to throw it that Sanzu intervened he came behind you held you and asked "what do you want Love?" you growl out "painkillers, I need them now" he jolts and grabs them handing them to you.

You wept as you downed 2 with coffee, looking up you notice the eyes you nod and sit down head on the table. Mikey walks in sees you and winces then says quietly "it's best to let her be today, pain relief, chocolate, tea, snacks, cuddles and films work wonders. She is an awful patient" they wince and nod and you say "I can hear you" he comes behind and hugs you sighing you say "but he is right I am an awful patient" he chuckles.

Looking up you say "the lounge is mine today, I closed the clinic for the day. Build me a comfy fort, pillows and blankets please" sighs and nods as they all run off to do it, you smirk and say to Mikey "I could get used to this" he chuckles with you.

Sitting in your luxurious fort, with a variety of snacks and drinks watching Ghibli films, with some vampire hunter d mixed in, you were cuddled between Mikey and Haru, when Mikeys phone rang he frowned looking down at the contact an eyebrow raised he answered "yes, hmm I see, background?, okay I will pass it on" you look at him confused.

The drugs were working well when you ask "I didn't understand that. Did I miss half the conversation?" they both look at you and chuckle, Mikey answers "that was a phone call, you only heard my side of the conversation" you nod slowly saying "kay" laying your head on Haru's chest.

Watching the movie you said "do you remember my imaginary friend?" Mikey chuckles and says "I do, but they were real" you nod and say "yeah, I knew you could see them to, he was really cool sometimes. What happened to him?" Mikey flinched and said "he had to go away, you got to old" you nodded frowning you were sleepy slurring out "he gave great hugs, cars went boom" your chuckle which trails off as you pass out.

Sanzu looks at Mikey and asks "it was Baji right?" Mikey nods and says "she always thought he was imaginary, because no one else spoke to him, they would set fire to cars together" he chuckles and Sanzu says "do we pretend he was then?" looking at the pink he nods, they turn their attention to the TV.


You spent yesterday comfy, warm and snuggled in the fort, waking today you still felt sore but it was a manageable pain, you phoned Kai and told him to get the security company to come and put shutters on the pharmacy, that lock down when the alarm was hit.

He explained that all the staff had asked for basic firearms training, you raised a brow but nodded, you said "I want to get a pathologist and a dentist in there, so have the basement worked on for the morgue and section off a few rooms in back for the dentist".

He hums and says "why all of a sudden Boss" answering with "I always had this plan, but with us closed for a while plus the girls coming in for checks let's set up the dentist, plus a legal way to get rid of thugs" a chuckle from him at that and he says "I will get on it" you said your byes.

Sitting in the kitchen with a tea, you can't help but think about the recent problems, there was something behind all this. Mikey walks in and you stare at him he looks back after sitting down "what are you thinking?" he asks you frown and say slowly "that family who tried to take you out, they were too low in the ranks to have that idea. Soo who gave them the push to try?" he jolts and stared at you.

Quickly pulling out his phone, he calls someone and says "find out who was in contact with f/n before they tried anything with us. Yes, now do it quickly" he hangs up and frowns at the table you get up and sit on his lap snuggling him, that's how you were found by the others.

Looking at them you smile saying "morning", they give their greetings back and sit down, looking at their Bosses mood and winced, you giggle and say "he will be fine, he is just having a small sulk" he growls, and you chuckle pulling him in and rocking him.

Sanzu comes in covered in blood you look and say with a little threat to it "that better not be your own Haru?" he gulps the smiles saying "of course not Hunny, wouldn't dream of making you work" you keep looking at him then nod and look away, he sighs then happily says "Boss, got the info it's organisation/name" you frown and ask "how do I know that name?" Mikey flinches and says "that date, with the son for info" you growl and say "that date you sent me on and I had to stab the fucker? That one?".

He winces again then says "now Sweets, I didn't know it would go like that OK? So chill yeah. We can take them out now OK?" everyone was watching this interaction when Ran asked "what caused you to stab him?" you scream "he tried to date rape me, little cock sucker" then you cackle saying "I wonder if they managed to fix him?".

They all flinch and look at you in horror, except Sanzu he was pissed and rasps out "Boss, I want him" Mikey looks at him and jerks nodding.

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