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So guys I did not wrote this, actually I did, anyways I asked my Ai to make my poem more like a horror kind-of vibe so if you want to see the original one, made by me go to V.

The sun's glare upon my face,
In a way that sends chills down my spine,
But not as chilling as the touch of your hand,
Leaving scars I hide beneath makeup and disguise.

I hide away from prying eyes,
In oversized clothes, hoping to escape,
Yet, why do I continue to endure,
Your torment, even when you're in an altered state?

You brandish a pocket knife, a deadly threat,
And I find myself yearning for escape,
A twisted desire to be free from this pain,
To close my eyes forever, in a permanent state.

But as I take a breath and open my eyes,
I realize it was just a haunting nightmare,
A glimpse into the horrors of my past,
A reminder of the darkness I once had to bear.

Was it a memory of a life gone awry,
Falling for a deceptive facade, a cruel guise,
Ending up with a blade aimed at my heart,
A reminder of the strength I now possess, as I rise.

Gosh Ai just beat me, he's good at it not gonna lie...

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