Chapter Twenty Four- Wait

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Chapter Twenty Four-


I take a deep breath and lay back on Imogen's bed, looking around her room with a curious smirk. Her house is small. Smaller than my mom's and my dad's. She told me the reason she's dating Tobias is for popularity. It makes sense because she's a scholarship student and I've noticed that most of them get picked on by the kids who paid their way into our school. However, there are lots of pictures of her and him together in her room, so I'm not so sure she's telling the truth. It looks like they've been dating a long time even if it is just for convenience. When he's with her he looks almost tolerable.

He can say he's with her for her boobs all he wants, but I think he's caught feelings by now. "He cheated on you?"

"No. The guy kissed him. He's just too nice to punch him in the nose and tell him to fuck off." I admit, rolling back over to look at her. She starts to change out of her uniform, stripping down to her underwear without a second thought. "You're just gonna change right here?"

"It's my room and you're gay and in a relationship. Why wouldn't I?"

"Who said I'm gay?"

She blushes and quickly pulls on a loose tee shirt and sweatpants, huffing loudly. "You know that would've been nice information to have before I practically got naked in front of you."

"I'm just fucking with you. I think I'm fluid or something but I'm not attracted to you right now, so no worries. Besides, I'm in a relationship and I might be biased but he's a hundred times more attractive than you." I remind her, earning myself an eye roll as she lays on the bed.

"Did you tell him he's a dick and that letting some dude kiss him because he's too nice isn't an excuse?"

"Well I didn't put it like that, but-"

"Then maybe you're too nice too. I'd cut Toby's balls off if he ever has his tongue down another girl's throat."

"I thought you were only with him to be popular."

"I am. I'm still with him all the same and there's nothing more unpopular than letting a guy cheat on you." She turns to me and runs her fingers through her hair. "And I know he loves me. He won't say it, but I know he does. He tells everyone he uses me for sex, but we've never even done it. He doesn't touch me at all unless I want him to, and he always looks so honored when I let him. He's not a bad guy."

"He and his friends beat the shit out of me with lacrosse sticks."

"I said he's not bad. Not that he's not a moron." She clarifies before opening her folder to take out our math homework. Surprisingly, I already completed it, but that's just because I'm recording soon and I needed to have my schoolwork done beforehand. "Why are you friends with me? My boyfriend beat you up in your first week at school, and you don't entertain anyone else who talks to you. I'm also kind of a bitch sometimes."

"You remind me of my friend back home. Her name's Gwen. You guys are peas in a pod except you're less blonde."

"Why do you think we're alike?"

"She's also pretty catty."

Ginny raises a brow at me before snorting softly. "Maybe I'm catty but at least I don't look like a coloring book."

"I like my tattoos." I laugh, trailing my fingers over my arms. All of them are black since I was scared colored ink would be more difficult to work with. I remember Carson used to color all of them in with washable markers when I'd go to Frankie's house to hang out.

I almost miss his siblings as much as I miss him. Especially Julian. He was always so frank with me and I was always frank with him. We had an honest understanding of each other, and I think that's why he liked me. I don't want to say that I like him because he's autistic, but there's something special about a kid who's scared of physical touch hugging you without having any reason to. He lets me ruffle his hair and looks into my eyes when I look at him. I'm not sure what makes me different from everyone else, but I'm honored that he sees something trustworthy in me.

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