Chapter Twenty Five- Rumors and Lies

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Chapter Twenty Five-


My student-teacher conference is during my lunch period today. Sawyer wanted to come early, but after getting messages from Gwen and Corduroy telling me that the buzz about me had died down, I assured Sawyer I would be fine. I've made it through most of the day with no issues except the occasional whispers and spray paint of the word 'Carrie' on my locker.

However, I also haven't had a class with Mason yet. The next one is with Jonis and Laila, so it should be bearable so long as I make it to the classroom with no complications.

I open my locker and switch my books out quickly, keeping my head down and books to my chest as I walk down the hall. The closer I hold them to me, the harder it is to smack them out of my hands. Kids walk past me, but I weave through them, trying to be as quick and invisible as possible. I remember when I first started school here last year. I was practically praying to be noticed, and now I wish everyone would forget I exist.

It takes a few minutes to get up the stairs and close to the room, but just before I turn down the hallway, a body blocks my way. He sidesteps when I try to go around, and shoves my shoulder just hard enough to make me stumble back. I sigh heavily and look up to meet his eyes.

He smirks at me, his eyes getting darker. I remember liking him. Before we broke up I always thought there was a secret soft side to him, and I saw it every time we were alone together. I thought he was misunderstood and damaged. I thought I could help him by showing him some love. I thought I could 'fix' him.

That soft part of him was all an act. Now when I look into his eyes, all I can see is how evil he is. I hate that I ever dated him. I regret giving him my time and energy, and I wish I hadn't slept with him. That's gotta take the cake when it comes to mistakes I've made. Holding cells and going missing have nothing on spreading my legs for this jackass.

He always picks on me and acts like he hates me. He pretends he's homophobic, but I know that he likes boys too. He liked me... enough to fuck me at least.

"Did you think I'd let you avoid me all day, Carrie?"

I roll my eyes and try to walk past him again, getting uncomfortable when I notice people crowding to watch the interaction. He shoves me harder, making me stumble, and the textbooks fall from my arms.

I huff, keeping my mouth shut as I crouch to pick them up, prompting him to kick them down the hall. I can feel the frustration in me bubbling up, but I subdue it, getting to my feet. It's not worth it to argue with him. Sawyer won't care if I miss a class because of this.

I decided to forget about the textbooks, settling for walking away from the situation. I turn around and start walking down the hall in the opposite direction. However, I only make it a few feet before I feel his hand fist in my hair and yank me backward.

I stumble onto my ass, wincing as I reach up to rub the spot he tugged on. I can't do this anymore.

I shoot to my feet and turn toward him, glaring at him. It looks could kill, he'd be dead, but then again, so would I. He glares right back as if he has some right to hate me after I've done nothing to him.

"Don't touch my hair!" I shout at him, hearing a few snickers from the people in the hallway.

"Or what, Carrie? You won't do anything." He comments, smirking as he looks around.

His eyes lock on someone, making me glance to the side to see Sebastian crowded with the other people. He looks like he wants to step in, but I don't blame him for staying silent. Not after being friends with me got him caught in Mason's crossfire. He already got kicked off the student council because of a lie. I doubt he wants to get suspended too.

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