Chapter 24:Wizards Vs Shinobi Final

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Temari & Kankuro:GAARA!!!

Seeing their younger brother down and out the older siblings jump over the railing and rush to gaara's side to check on him.

Kiba:No way that chick is too damn strong she beat that sand village guy like it was nothing.

Mito:She's so strong.

Anko:Got to admit those wizard girls are making our kunoichi's look like crap compared to them. That red head and that white haired girl are no joke.

Gildarts:Well damn seems like my team is next level bound heh.

Naruto was looking at gaara with interest as erza asked.

Erza:Naruto is something wrong?

Naruto:Hm seems the demon inside of him must have been acting as his so called mother using that as an excuse for his weird behavior. I wonder just what kind of childhood he must have had.


She called out to the sand siblings who were checking on their younger brother as temari glares at her ans responds.

Temari:What is it?

Mira:What's your relationship with that guy?

Temari:He's our younger brother so don't even think about trying to hurt him alright you won already.

Mira:Relax I am not gonna kill him seeing how much you care for him shows me that you actually care.Do you love your brothers?

Temari:Ofcourse I do why-

Mira:I am asking because your brother is way too unstable. He gets a thrill from killing people and if your older siblings like you say then you should be trying to sway your brother from that path.

Temari and Kankuro flinch, hearing that as they looked to their unconscious sibling while mira continues to speak.

Mira:I have 2 younger siblings myself and they are all I got left in this world and thanks to them I am not a monster. Maybe you should try getting through to him when he wakes up and show him that he's not a monster as well.

She then walks off heading back while Temari thought about what mira just said.

Menma:Damn Naruto's team is sure of the finals.

Mito:Yeah, it seems like he wasn't wasting any time when he was away from us huh?

Kakashi:I wouldn't give up hope yet mito you still haven't fought yet.

Kushina:Yeah menma hasn't either. I know you both will doo great in this.

The screen then goes through names once more as it then stops.

The screen reads: Mito Uzumaki vs Kiba inuzuka.

Kiba:Well damn it's our time akamaru!

Mito let's a sigh of relief.

Mito:Oh well at least it's not naruto.

They both go down to begin their match.

Kiba:Heh and here I thought I was gonna fight naruto oh well it's about time I pay you back for that punch you gave me months ago.

Mito:Don't worry mut this time when I punch you maybe it will knock some sense into you.

She then turns her head to look at naruto who just stared down at the match before him mito then turned her attention back towards kiba ready to begin they're fight.

Kushina then makes her way over to naruto's team as she stands by naruto who doesn't acknowledge her presence.

Kushina:You did great in your match against sasuke naruto you kinda had me worried for a minute there when his curse mark started acting up but you kept calm and composed. I am so glad that you won.

Naruto:Chosen By The Dragons(Naruto x fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now