★Street-Star NO.2★

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Chapter 2

It was now after class, as i was packing up i could just feel someone staring at me so i decided to look around, as i was looking at all the different groups in class i finally i find the culprit of the deadly eyes pricing my soul, and surprise surprise.

 it was Sung-ho, at that moment when i make eye contact with him all he does is smile and wink at me, I then look away from embarrassment.

Who does this guy think he is huh??? Listen you may be hot but- oh my god i need to calm down-

"Do-hyun!!!" I hear someone call out, I look up and see Young-Chul, I forgot to mention that we are actually in the same class.


"Hey Young-chul, what's up?" I ask,

 "I overheard those kids over there. You know the prince and his minions, and I may have heard them say your name." he informs me, 

"huh my name, why though?" I ask, "I'm really unsure but all I know is that it's probably not good." he says, 

"come on it cant be that bad, also why do you assume its bad, maybe they were talking about how cool i am" i say with a smile and a fake hair flip. 

"Well..." he sort of mumbles,

 "Aw come on what's wrong with me i'm awesome" i say while fake whining and shaking Young-Chul

MARCH 17 2024 (one week later)

It has now been a week since i started at my new school, Young-chul introduced me to lots of his friends and we are even hanging out at a dinner downtown today, so i say everything is going great, the only thing is me and Sung-ho keep making eye contact, which is mostly his fault as he keeps on looking at me, like come on man what's your problem???


"Do-hyun, Do-hyun, is Do-hyun here?" called out the teacher,

 "oh sorry sir yes i'm here." i reply, 

"hm alright just next time listen when i'm taking attendance, yes?" he asks, 

"yes sir, sorry" i apologise, he then nods at me and continues taking attendance. 

"Sung-ho, kim Sung-ho? Probably late again ugh that kid-" the teacher says then getting cut off by the door sliding open and a very sweaty kid who was out of breath,

 "SIR SUNG-HO AND EUN-WOO ARE OUTSIDE FIGHTING!!!!" the boy yells, then at that moment everyone stands up and runs out to see what is happening. 

"Young-chul!! Aren't Sung-ho and Eun-woo best buds? don't people say they are so close they're like brothers???" i yell to young-chul while running to see what is happening, 

"that's what i hear people say they have been friends since pre-school and are closer than anyone else!!!" he yells back.


"ASSHOLE!!! YOU LEFT ME THERE HOW COULD YOU" I hear one of them yell, i'm pretty sure one of them was crying, 

there was a huge moment of silence and i then finally reached the front of the crowd, 

and i was right one of them was crying, of course it was Eun-woo, i have also heard that he is the one with emotions out of the two so i had made that guess before, 

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