♡ ¢нαηgєѕ ιη ¢αяєєя ♡

26 0 0

word count ; 634


"I'll take the job Valentino." You finally decide. "Good..you can call me Val babycakes~" 'Val' spoke, smoke seething from his mouth. Despite your mild discomfort of the names he kept calling you, you brush it off and try giving him a smile. He gave you a toothy grin in return, before you both said your goodbyes. Val told you that you would be starting next week, and that once you got to the pride ring you could move into your provided quarters.

When you arrived home, the living room was dead silent. Looking at the back of the front door you saw a sticky note.

Working late,
love you rhi-rhi, n/n ♡

You smiled at the sentiment. It was a sweet gesture he always did to make sure you nor mom were suprised if he didn't get home at a decent time. As you entered your parent's room, you saw your mom lying in bed scrolling on Hellstagram. "Mom?" You inquire, waiting for a response. "Yes dear?" You fidgeted, slightly nervous to tell her you'd be moving. "I got a job offer.." She smiled wide, "That's lovely baby! I'm so proud of you! Did you accept?" Mom stood up, pulling you into a hug and ruffling your fur. "I did but..It's in the pride ring." You finally admit to her. She paused, releasing you from her embrace. "That's so far away from home.. When do you need to leave?" Her eyes were glassy, and it look like she was about to cry. "I start the job next week, but don't worry I get a free place to stay and don't have to pay any expenses. I'm going to be just fine."

You try reassuring your worried mother, her face of worry quickly dissipated, forming into a serious expression. "Who exactly..employed you?" This is the question you were worried about. You knew Valentino put the fear of lucifer into your parents. They had friends, and co-workers who were hired by him and were never heard from again. "I got hired by..Valentino." You say, quickly trying to defend yourself after. "But I am not working as an actor in his studio, I was actually hired to be a bartender in a sex club he is opening." Your mother starts to cry. Pulling her in for a tight embrace, you stroke her fur in a comforting motion. "Mom, I am going to be okay! I'll call everyday before and after work. I'll send you texts throughout the shift, and I will call you before I go to bed. I will keep you and dad updated, I promise." You try your best to make her feel better about it and soon enough she wipes the tears from her face. "Do you promise n/n?" Your mom looks you in the eyes, her black sclera and red pupils pleading for you to say that you do. "I promise mom." You smile and the two of you spend the rest of the night packing.

Morning had arrived in hell, and you were more than ready to make it to the pride ring. Your mother brought your dad into the loop on what was going on with your new job and he did his best to support you. Your parents brought you to the elevator and hugged you goodbye. As you stood there, you were relatively nervous. You were starting a new job, living in a new place, not to mention its the only ring in hell where the extermination happens. The extermination was only 2 days ago too, meaning things were still being cleaned up.

You stared at the elevator as it began to open, because not only was it opening to take you to a new place, but a new beginning.


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