♡ тнє νєєѕ ♡

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word count ; 1623


You entered the elevator, swelling with anxiety. Valentino has hired you to serve people drinks rather than record you to masses in his extensive porn studio. In a way it excited you. Living in the lust ring, you were often offered jobs to be a sex worker, but that lifestyle never appealed to you. You just weren't all that interested in sex. Or atleast not interested in sex with someone you didn't know well. The sound of a bell knocked you out of your thoughts. Stepping out of the elevator, you immediately see the building you were meant to travel to. The building was tall, with 3 compartments. It was plastered in billboards all advertising products made by the infamous overlords. They called themselves the Vees. Valentino, Velvette, and Vox. The building consisted mostly of glass, confusing you since there was a literal porn studio in that building. As you made your way through the pentagram, you immediately noticed the immense mood change from the lust ring. There was always a party, always something lively going on at home. The pride ring seemed sad. The most that could be seen was violence everywhere, overlord lairs, drugs, demon carcasses, which some of these things were typical for hell. Not that you would know since you have spent your entire life in the lust ring.

When you arrived at the building, there was no need to get your name, or anything. Everyone already knew who you were and why you were there. "Y/N! Welcome to the Vees building! We assume you are here to get your quarters in Val's section of the building?" A cheerful sinner spoke, and it seemed like she was forcing this attitude. "Um..yes?" You responded anxiously, hugging your arms over your stomache. The sinner lead you to what you assumed was Val's office. She didn't dare enter the room with you, leaving you to your own devices. "Y/N..So lovely to see you baby~ Please, leave your things there my little imps will take care of it, come, come sit~" He cooed at you. It made your stomache churn. Taking the fluffy seat infront of Val's desk and making yourself comfortable the moth demon sat across from you begins to speak. "You have a very special quarters~ The other Vees and I prepared it just for you." He smiled. The room was thick with pink smoke, you couldn't help but cough at the suffocating feeling at the invasion of your lungs. Your mind went fuzzy and you don't remember much else. He showed you to your quarters, you talked to your parents, and then slept.

You woke up hours later, sitting up groggily in the unfamiliar bed. Looking to your right in the darkness, there was an alarm clock. The time read, 12:23am. You get up, trying to navigate through the unfamiliar room before finding a light switch. As you turned your gaze to the room, your jaw dropped. The room was exstravagantly large, with a large heart shaped bed in the middle. The bed set was f/c and extremely fluffy. There was a giant window on the other side of the room with a big view over everything below the Vees building, and a kitchenette on the wall adjacent of the window and the bottom of the bed. There was a flat screen mounted on the wall with the words VOXTECH plastered over bottom of the frame. This room was beautiful. You smiled to yourself, walking to the bed and spreading out.

A knock came to the door, and you froze in your place. "Um..come in!" You call out. Who the hell is here at 12am? The door opens and you are greeted with the box television faced overlord. "Y/N! Nice to finally meet you. Are you..settling in well?" He raises an eyebrow at you. You nod in response, "Yeah. The place is really nice." He smiles, "Good. I'm Vox by the way, owner of Voxtech? Trust US with your safety!" Vox repeats the slogan for his company, a cocky grin on his televised face. "Awesome. So..why are you here so late?" You inquired. "Mm.." He hummed in thought. "I guess I just wanted to see the demon that Val was so eager to hire. I heard commotion and assumed you were awake." He leaned against the doorframe. That makes sense. Curiously, you decide to ask Vox a question. "Do you know how Val heard about me?" Vox laughed at the question, a look of amusement on his face. "He's good friends with B, she use to work as his secretary. She said you'd be a good fit." He paused, letting you absorb the information. "At first Val wanted you to be one of the sex workers, but then she said that wasn't your style. He was a little disappointed but wanted you around anyway, so B offered you up as a bartender." His voice was silky smooth, almost like electricity flowing in the air. His sentence made atleast a little bit of sense.

B, your previous boss has always had a taste for adventure leaving her in many different job situations. She grew up in the Gluttony ring, meaning she has tried literally EVERYTHING. She got bored of things very easily, not typically sticking around for long term projects. She went to alot of parties, where she got the nickname B. "B was quite the secretary here. She was never boring, I liked that about her." Vox recalled, filling the silence and knocking you out of your thoughts. You honestly forgot he was still here. "She never told me she worked here. And she usually talks about all her stories." He chuckled, "She's quite the adventure. I'm suprised she still owns that bar." He lifted his body weight off the door frame, giving you a nod. "I'm glad you like the room, Y/N. Get some sleep." You smile, "Yeah. Goodnight sir." He shook his head. "Please. Call me Vox. No need for bullshit formalities y'know?" You laugh. "Goodnight Vox."
Vox smiles at you before turning around and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. You fell asleep soon after.

The sound of rampant knocking woke you from your sleep. "Wake up!" A female voice yells. You glance at your clock.  6:00am. Bright and early. " Come on, I haven't got all day!" A strong british accent was on the other side of the door, and was clearly agitated. "Come in.." You call out groggily. She happily busts into the room, taking in your appearance. "Huh. I haven't dressed a hellhound before." The demon that entered the room was none other than- "Yeah yeah, I'm Velvette, now get up and go freshen up. You have a long day ahead. NO!" Velvette started yelling into her cellphone which seemed to be attached to her by the ear. You walked in the restroom for the first time. At the back of the bathroom, was a shower tub combo. The shower rod was a glisteny gold with a pure white curtain. There was a sink tucked in the corner by the door, a porcelain white toilet sat next to it. You undressed, stepping into the tub and letting the water rush over your skin. After a couple of minutes you exit the shower, wrapping a towel around your body and leaving the bathroom. The young overlord was no longer in the room, however there was an outfit layed out on your bed along with a little note card. "Heres an outfit, meet Valentino @ Hell's Diner at 7am. Don't be late luv ♡ - 𝒱𝑒𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒"

Huh. Your boss is taking you to a diner? You get dressed in the outfit provided. It was a black leather fishtail skirt at the end, paired with a red sequin halter-top. You didn't hate the outfit but it also kind of seemed like she was dressing you for a night club and not a morning out with your boss. You shrugged it off, putting the outfit on, grabbing your essentials and leaving the building. Several of the workers waved at you knowing you as one of Val's special employees. You made your way through the pentagram, searching for the diner. Shit.. It's already 6:52, if you don't find that diner you are royally fucked. You glance over at a building close by, spotting a tailor's shop. Walking toward the door, it opens and hits you directly in the face, knocking you to the ground. "Oh my!" A staticy voice said, mostly sounding amused but there was something sinister about it. You look up to see a big yellow smile. "My my you seem to have taken quite the blow my darling!" His smile only widened, waiting for your response gazing you up and down. "Sorry, I should have realized you were opening the door." You stood up wobbling, straightening out your fur and dusting off your outfit. "Why that's quite alright darling! What's your name?" He shakes your hand aggressively, before letting go. "Y/N, yours?" His smile was so infectious, you couldn't help but smile with him. "I'm Alastor! Quite the pleasure, really quite the pleasure! You are certainly dressed to the nines! Where are you headed?" Alastor hooked his arm with yours walking side by side with you. "Hell's Diner. I have to get breakfast with my boss." You respond, slightly heated from the close contact.

"My I must say, your face was made for Radio! Why don't you let me escort you my dear?" He cooed at you, showering you with sweet compliments. "Sure..why not.." You couldn't help but agree with how kind he was being after smacking you in the face with a door.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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