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leave me alone

The amount of bodies that crowded the giant room was more than enough to make Nicollette's nerves skyrocket through the room. She felt like a child, following her mother around the room like a tiny puppy dog who lost its way home. Instead of paying any mind to anyone else in the room, she just stood by her mother and watched as her mother talked with other adults who stood around.

This wasn't her scene. She wasn't the type to go to fancy gatherings, making small talk with anyone and everyone until it ended. She felt completely out of place as if she should and could be anywhere except in the room she currently stood in.

Nicollette didn't even understand why she was here in the first place. She didn't understand why she was getting invited to any of the royal gatherings when she was the opposite of that. She was poor, didn't have a job, and didn't have a family that was related to royalty. Some would consider her an honorary member, yes, but that meant nothing. Honorary was only a term used to describe it, it didn't mean anything in the important factors.

She didn't want this life. She didn't want to dress up every day to sit around while everyone around her bragged about their wealth. She didn't care about the palaces and mansions, the loads of money wasted on horses and carriages. She didn't care about any of that.

Sure, she'd thought about what she'd do if she were put in the position, but didn't everyone? Everyone gave thought to what their life would be like if they were blessed with such titles, and Nicollette wasn't any different. However, when she did give thought to the idea, she didn't think what most would assume. She thought about how she'd help everyone, how her money and wealth and title would go to good.

"Nic!" A familiar voice exclaimed, and the blonde looked to see one of her friends heading her way.

Maria Sutcliffe. She was the princess of Aradia, sister to none other than Matthias Sutcliffe himself.

Despite the two being related, one wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at them. They didn't really look too much alike besides a similar feature or mannerism here and there, and their personalities were complete opposites. She was much more bearable than Matthias, and Nicollette found herself enjoying the girl's presence more than she ever thought she would.

"I didn't think you'd actually show up," Maria commented as she met up with the blonde. Alayna Fernsby, a close friend of Maria's, stood behind Maria with a shy look on her face, seeming to look just as nervous as Nicollette felt. 

"I don't think I had much of a choice," Nicollette responded in a low tone, one where her mother couldn't hear her. She motioned to the older woman who was in the middle of a conversation with a Lady from a nearby Kingdom, her focus completely away from her daughter.

"I guess that makes sense," Maria said. "I always thought you'd be caught dead before coming to something like this. Although I will say, seeing you here has definitely caused my mood to turn a little upside down."

"What is the point of this anyway?" Nicollette began to ask, rubbing her hands together nervously. "What, we just sit and chat about how perfect we are living in our own perfect little  worlds?"

Maria laughed, a loud laugh that caused a few people standing nearby to glance their way. She didn't care though, and instead clapped her hands together happily. This caused Alayna to let out a fit of giggles as well, covering her hand with her mouth out of habit.

"I knew you'd make this evening much easier to get through," Maria told the girl.

Nicollette didn't understand what she said that was so funny, but then she realized that it did sound like a joke and Maria didn't understand how serious it was. She just smiled in return, not wanting to seem rude.

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