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what's the worst that could happen to a girl that's already hurt?

Nicollette watched as people danced around the room. It was another fancy gathering she was forced to attend because of her parents, although this one was nothing like the last few.

This looked as if it were a ball - although it wasn't. It was a mix between the famous ball everyone had been buzzing about and the fancy brunches she'd attended roughly once a week. However, the difference is that this one was held in the Kingdom of Sandria, where both Ryker and Candice resided.

It felt odd being in the Palace Candice stayed in. It was just as big as the Sutcliffe residence, if not bigger. The decorations were less modern and more expensive, which matched Candice's personality almost perfectly.

Nicollette didn't understand why she was invited in the first place, especially considering Candice wasn't fond of her. But then when she was greeted by Tobias - who happily told her he'd sent her the invite himself - she realized she wouldn't have been invited if it were up to Princess herself.

"Care to dance?" A voice asked from next to her. She glanced over to see Tobias looking at her, a hopeful look on his face.

He'd asked when he first approached her, but Nicollette had declined him. She felt bad, but she was too anxious and didn't really know much about dancing to accept the offer - especially since she was at a place she'd never been to until now.

But she couldn't deny him again - too afraid to upset him. She nodded in response with a small smile, the boy only smiling bigger as he hadn't been rejected again.

Tobias held his arm out. Nicollette glanced at it momentarily before deciding to take it, having already told the boy yes. She avoided looking around the room, knowing that it would do nothing but push her anxiety higher.

She hadn't seen too many people she knew, but she didn't miss the way Ryker and Candice looked at her when she entered with Maria. She knew the people attending weren't very fond of her presence, but Tobias made her momentarily forget about it as he pulled her to the floor where couples danced with each other.

"You look quite dazzling, Nicollette." Tobias complimented as the two began to slowly dance along the floor.

Nicollette felt her cheeks heat up at the compliment. She wasn't expecting it, and most certainly didn't know how to take it. "Th-thanks."

It was rare for Nicollette to be so anxious around a boy. She never really thought much about the whole 'Prince' thing except for the fact that she thought they were all the same - but then she met Tobias. Tobias had yet to show any ounce of hatred for her and as a matter of fact, he showed the complete opposite. He seemed more interested in her seeing she wasn't the same as everyone else and that made her feel much better considering how others such as Candice or Ryker made her feel.

"Surely you were born for this," Tobias then commented.

Nicollette didn't agree. She knew she was far from the royal life - she was anything but Princess material. Not sure whether to be flattered by his comment, she just ignored it.

"You look quite alright as well," It was a poor attempt at a compliment. The moment the words left her mouth she regretted them, not having ever learned to flirt or talk up a boy.

Tobias smiled, seeming to be okay with the compliment either way. He gently pulled her closer, and although part of her wanted to protest - she didn't. She allowed him and instead just tightened her grip on his hand, hoping she didn't accidentally step on his feet or trip over her shoes.

The door opening caught her attention. Nicollette's eyes averted from Tobias to the entryway of the giant ballroom, her breath catching in her throat as she watched Matthias walk through the door.

Her movements stopped, causing Tobias to stop as well. He didn't complain and instead pulled her attention back to him, a puzzled look on his features. "Everything okay?" He asked, holding both of her hands in his.

"Y-yeah," Nicollette glanced between him and the doorway. "Of course."

Tobias nodded, letting it go. He began to move again, swiftly moving Nicollette with him. She let him lead, stealing glances toward Matthias every once in a while.

He hadn't noticed her yet. He was too busy focused on whatever conversation he held with Zacharias, the two stalking through the room as if they were the most important people there.

Nicollette found her eyes moving his way constantly, even as Tobias twisted and turned her around. She would turn her head to look one way, then if her body was turned she'd face the other way. If Tobias noticed, he didn't say and instead just hummed along to whatever song was playing.

"You're going to the ball, correct?" Tobias then suddenly asked, bringing Nicollette's attention back to him.

"What?" She softly asked.

"The ball I've been bothering you about for weeks. Have you decided to go?" Tobias questioned her. His eyes stayed on her as if she were the only thing in the room, and Nicollette found herself blushing at the attention.

Then, she felt it. A spark through her spine, goosebumps forming on her arms. She felt his stare as if it were some type of sixth sense, a power she didn't know she had.

Her eyes trailed back to where she'd last seen Matthias, her cheeks beginning to burn as he still stood in the same spot as before.

Zacharias went on about whatever they'd been talking about, completely unaware that Matthias had stopped paying attention. Instead, the dark-haired boy stared straight at Nicollette and where she stood with Tobias, a look of anger flashing across his features.

Assuming he was angry she was attending something she shouldn't be at, Nicollette looked away. She put her attention back to Tobias, who only softly smiled at her.

"I'd really like it if you attended," He continued despite her lack of investment in the conversation.

"Right," Nicollette responded. She began to decline - as she'd tried to do multiple times - but as Tobias twirled her around again she got another good look at Matthias.

He was no longer standing next to Zacharias and was instead with Candice. He said something to her and she laughed loudly, resting her hand on his chest. It was like something you'd see out of a movie, and although deep down Nicollette knew she shouldn't care - she did.

It was obvious that Candice was using Matthias. Whether or not Matthias had true feelings for the blonde didn't matter, what mattered was Candice had no feelings for him and was very obviously only interested in him because he was a wealthy and attractive man. It was purely out of rank - nothing to do with a deep emotional connection.

"Go to the ball with me, Nicollette." Tobias pushed. It wasn't a harsh or demanding request, but more soft and pleading than anything else. "Not like we did with this one. I'd like it if you showed up with me - on my arm - as my date."

Nicollette wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't that. She knew Tobias had some sort of interest in her, but she didn't think he was that eager to 'date' her. She thought about it for a moment as Tobias turned them again. This gave her a full view of Matthias and Candice, and she sighed as she looked back at the boy in front of her.

"Fine. Let's do it."


Shorter chapter, I know. I have real bad writer's block and figured a nice filler chapter would do <3 Hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

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