❤🌼chapter -5 at first blush ❤🌼

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At Sean empire.

Zhan lost in thought about his glass doll

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Zhan lost in thought about his glass doll...

suddenly a call comes in his office phone

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suddenly a call comes in his office phone ..he pick up the phone and said dumplfully " yes it's Sean xiao zhan speaking how can I help you " and the other side " gegee!!! When you come home it's already dark, are you planning to stay in office Ha!! "
No one else it's Cheng sulking for his gege. Zhan chukle and realized that it's already too late all workers from different diperment leave from there...

"don't sulking Cheng I'm coming " said zhan coldly and cut the call.

Cheng is very stubborn type  arrogance not polite to everyone but he always care about his gege. With out parents their life meaningless. A mother teaches her children the right path in life and a father teaches his children to move forward with a strong mind in life but when they were death in car accident two children not lost only their parents also lost their childwood. With out his gege it's really make him orphan boy this time. He loves his gege like father.
He has a girlfriend already as Medical student he meet his love of life since he couldn't trust everyone but ziyi gain the trust from Cheng and realized him " Cheng you're not alone I'm here for you " .

At 8 p.m.

"it's already pretty dark where is gege!? " Cheng tensed because of his gege. " gege's phone switchoff what happened to him!? " thought Cheng and hurriedly called to xuan.

" hello! Xuan ge sorry to disturb you, you know about my gege!? I can't reached him " said Cheng with tremble voice .

"oh Cheng! Yes your gege was in office when I left from there I'm sure zhan is in office right now you can call him on our office no. Okey " said xuan. He understood very much Cheng's condition right now. How careless his gege. He talk about this matter tommorow .

" Okey ge bye I will talk to you later " said Cheng .

" Okey champ" both of them cut the call and Cheng immediately called his gege in land-line no.

In other side.

Yibo and huiesang was in great tension. Their naughtiness was out of all limits.

"Bobo what will happened now ?" asked huiesang with scared puppy eyes.
"I don't know huiesang Im trying to manage it just give me sometime " said yibo still planning to onther trouble. He just have to overcome from the situation.

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