🔥 chapter-11 touch me gege..! 🔥

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After some days .

It's been a 1 week yibo and zhan get along with each other . In these days zhan observed more about yibo his likes, dislikes, favorite food or favorite things. After so many years zhan also so happy for his own selfness. After parents death Zhan's was life totally colourless but now he has yibo that's why his life getting colourfull right now.

Zhan daily visits to Wang mansion for yibo. Some time he stay there for him.  But he is very careful about his boundaries .he never tried to take advantage from his glass doll. Every time he is very alert about his inner love desire. It's very hard to control his own mind and feelings for stay far away from him but he thought himself that " I have to be more alert about him he is so young and immature "

But yibo... He is most happiest person in his own world. His dream come true ...his gege now only his. Nobody can't separate them. But every time when he goes to near him a unknown and strange feeling blowing in his heart. His body get hot and wet for his gege like his inner self try gulp him down...

Wang mansion.

In the morning.

Everyone seated on the dining table for breakfast except Hai kuan. Zhan and yibo enjoying their breakfast and Carmen Lee looking at them happily after so long finally her dream and promise are fulfilled. Her best friend will be sure very happy to see them together.

" zhan... You should take my son on a little date !" said Carmen with chuckle  and she and zhenjin both are giggled silently.

" Yes

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" Yes...gege please.. it's will be my first date with you .right dad!? " yibo asked innocently stare at his dad. But qiren was stiff and numb for his dump son.. He can't find a proper word for this situation.

" Bobo... When you will be grown up.. This kind of talk are secret. I'm your dad remember! You can ask to your saozi.. " said qiren and try to manage his prestige in front of his son-in-law .

" ahem... O.. Okey aunty. I will try to take him on a date " said zhan nervously.

After breakfast.. Zhan arranged his things for going to office in the guest room. He is staying here when he comes to Wang mansion.

" baobei.. Are you ready? We should go now otherwise it will be late for school " he called yibo but suddenly his expression changed because of Yibo's dress.

" gege.. I don't want to go.. m.. my stomach hurts from morning see! " said yibo with cute pouty lips. He try to skip today's class and stay in his room for a naughtyfull plan .

" today you will be deflower me in your own.. just watch it gege " yibo thought and a little naughty smile appear on his lips.

" come here " said zhan with serious face. He knows how crimeful brain used his little husband.

" g..ge I didn't telling you lie believe me!! " said yibo nervously said scared face like a kitten.

But suddenly zhan take him in his arm and said calmly " I know very well... You are perfectly fine.. So! Go and be ready for school " ..but yibo again throwing tantrums and crying fakely.

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