Chapter 1

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Drear POV :

I headed back to Errors room after making sure Cas, Asbestos and Hole cleaned themselves properly after scouting out the new AU. The underground there was overgrown and called the undergrove and they came back covered in spores that would probably have taken over the domain if I hadn't gotten them to get clean.

Entering, I saw he was still in bed and asleep, his snores sounding like radio static. I took the ice pack off of his forehead, worry raising as I noticed how warm he was. I replaced the ice pack, hoping I wouldn't wake him.

I turned to leave only to notice the radio static snores stoped. Looking back I saw Errors eyes squint open and try to see what was going on. I walked back into the room, taking the chair Hole uses to stay and listen to Error sleep and setting it down next to the side of the bed and sitting down on it. "Good morning." I said, keeping my voice down as not to disturb his still half asleep mind. "hh..e-.y" He mumbled in reply. "Anything I can do to help that you know of ?" I ask. He seemed to contemplate the question for a bit before replying "cAn'you gett me s-me what er'plesee ¿". I nodded, deciphering the request for hydration and heading down to the kitchen to fetch him a glass.

Getting there and grabbing a cup, I headed to the faucet and filled it and checked the sink to make sure that there were no stray dishes left there. Due to Holes blindness Asbestos usually cleans his in exchange for candy of something on the sweet treat black market they think I'm unaware of. Luckily there were none laying around in the sink so I didn't have to scold anyone for not washing theirs.

Once it was filled I went back up along with the glass of water, carefully as not to spill it, took a small detour to steal borrow from Cas' candy stash, and went back into Errors room. I offered him the glass and he eagerly took it, downing about half before setting it on the bed side table. "Anything else ?" I ask, wanting to help the best I could. He shook his head "nO-" He was cut of by a coughing fit, shaking his body like leaf caught in a storm. I quickly started to use my healing magic to help him, turning his suffering (and my worry) into magic, then healing. I spread my hands over him and let the green glowing magic flow, careful not to touch him. That seemed to help as the coughing slowed and Error was able to regain control of his breathing.

"tHn'ks:" Error maneged as I got my hands back to my sides. "Here, you'll like this." I said, offering him the candy I'd gotten. They were honey-chocolate hard candies, I heard honey was good at preventing coughs and chocolate was Errors favourite food. He happily accepted, unwrapping one and putting it in his mouth to dissolve. "Anything else ? You know I don't mind helping you. Look, how does camomile tea with excessive honey sound ?" I asked. Error nodded as a reply making that a silent yes for tea. "All right, I'll go do that. But. If you need help, tear this, I'll sense it with magic. " I said summoning one of my feathered tendrils, plucking a feather off and handing it to him. He nodded and I left, going back down to the kitchen.

Once I got there I could see that Cas was there but not the other two so I asked Cas what happened and "Well, Hole got spores lodged in skul and even with a pair of working eye sockets I don't think he'd be able to see where to poke around to get the mushrooms out so 'Bestos is helping him out." was the answer I got. Satisfied by the answer, I got back to the task at hand, brewing tea. As I did that my mind wondered about Errors condition. How did he catch it ? He did go to other AUs to destroy them and I remember sometimes he might catch a cold or something from there but he usually got better much more quickly than now thanks to his good immune system and my healing magic. There's the possibility that this was inflicted on him by someome, like Asbestos' KARMA ability, but I can't figure out who would have the gaul to use it on one of my allies of all people. Maybe it was Nightstalker, he's unreasonable enough to do something like this in my opinion, but he also never hunts like this ; with disease and a slow and painful death. It might be Ink, I'm not certain but I know he's not Errors biggest fan (that would be me) with them being opposed forces and all and them having fights in the past but I'm not sure if he has the ability to do this.

I'm torn out of my thoughts by the sharp wistle of the kettle, it's electric but without the noise I would often forget that it exists. While pouring the boiling water into mugs I checked the time I noticed that it would be lunch soon. "Castellar, start cooking lunch, tell Asbestos to help you once he comes down too." I ordered. "Sure thing boss." He replied. Good. Now, back to the tea. I went through the drawers and picked out a few teabags, dehydrated blood pellets for Cas, nothing for Hole (he likes it plain), camomile for Error, red fruits for Asbestos, a "starry night" blend with vanila, rooibos and small pieces of white chocolate for me... Once that was done and I'd brewed them I saved the teabags for Hole eat later, put a large spoonful of honey in Errors, took an extra ice pack, and went back to his room.

Entering again I quickly noticed that Error was asleep, still snoring slightly but not enough for it to be detrimental to his health. Like earlier it still sounded like radio static, which was oddly endearing. I carefully set the mug dow on the bed-side table next to the now empty glass that I then took with a tendril that went back into the ground to reappear in the kitchen and put it on the table, to Castellars mild confusion. Turning back to Error I checked his temperature, my hand hovering just over his skull. It was warm, concerningly so. I gingerly changed the ice pack, the used one seeming above room temperature. I wonded if I could use my healing magic again but felt rather drained from using it earlier.

I needed more magic.

I needed more negativity.

And I think I know where to find it.

Closing my eyes, I looked inside myself,

My worries,

My sorrows,

My angers.

I felt...

Woried for Error,

Worried for how much pain he must be in,

Worried for how long he will be in it,

Worried that I couldn't help him,

That I might lose him, that we might all lose him,

That I'll never see him smile again, talk to him again, talk with him again, see his eyes, hear his comforting voice, give or receive gifts from him, like that crochet last month I made that was horrible but that he loved anyways, despite it's flaws, despite my flaws, despite being the guardian of nega-bloody-tivaty he still cares and this stupid sickness could just rip him away.

*drip, drop, drip*

Opening my eyes and looking down I noticed quite a few tears. Sure I cried all the time but now I had to muffle my sobs as not to wake Error up. Right, Error, I should heal him now since I still feel down in the dumps. I reached over with my hands like before and let the magic flow.

I hope that what I'm doing helps him.

I hope he lives.

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