Fallen hero reader x kytchu

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Credits to klexluther for the oneshot idea and jsut to make thigns clear the father of the reader is the hero instead of the reader, why? Well read the Request Here chapteraka the first chapter of the book and look at the comments and you will know why

Y/N {ah yes the most generic name in wattpad history} sat in his bed he woke up and grabbed osem raitosn from his bag nad exited his tent.

With a lazy yawn he walks over to a camp fire and starts wamrign up his food on a stick.

He sees other soldiers doing the same, his food was finished warming up and so he started to eat it.

Y/N started looking back on the journey his father had taken him on.

His father didn't really had a choice to not bring him along since he and his father don't have any other relatives but eachother and his father doesn't have anyone to take care of Y/N for him.

And Y/N was just the right age to join the army so his father took his only chance to be able to keep his son Y/N safe, sure charging into battle isn't really a way to keep someone safe.

But he would be there, to protect his son on the battlefield and be able to lookout for him, and it aswell gave Y/N the taste of battle makiGn him a fine warrior for someone his age.

During these battle Y/N's father made a name for himself while trying to keep his son safe. Y/N's fahter gained a reputaiton for having great talents with using the sword, the bow, and the spear. Along with his exploits from the spearton camapaign was giving amazingly great results.

As only a hundred soldiers were killed, and his bravery form preventing the speartons from trying to ambush the main army.

And here he and Y/N are at no mans land, were all the enemys of the order empire were all gonna work together as a final stand against order.

Y/N finishes his food and heads back  to his tent and grabs his spear and shield and sword.

 He palced his sowrd on his back as he headed to the fornt of hte camp where many other warroirs were waiting aswell.

Moments later Y/N's father along with a few others stepped infront of everyone.

Y/N's father stepped up and started saying his speech.

"I know, many of us are ready to fight, and some of you want this to end so you can return to your friends and family. But i wnat you all to know we have come so far already, we cannot lose this battle or all we have done all the battles and comrades we lost their sacrifices will not be in vain! We shall win this final battle for our familys, friends, and for order!" He said with many warroirs cheering on.

The other people next to Y/N's father who looked improtant did their speeches aswell.

After all was said and done, every warroir started to march to where the fight will happen, as Y/N was gonna follow the rest aswell. His father tapped his shoudler.

"Son, mind we have a short talk before we leave" he says. "Sure father." Y/N responds.

They both head into a tent as Y/N's father kneels down to Y/N's height he isghs and then speaks. "Son, i want you to not participate in this battle." He says solemnly.

"W-what? But father, i know how to fight i have fought in some battles before why can't i joi-" Y/N gets cut off by his father. "I knoe you can fight, i have seen it with my own two eyes, but, buts i-its just, i don't want to lsoe you, i have a feelign this battle won't be like any other battle you have fought in, i am proud of you i truly am, i-i just want to make sure you are safe." He says with sadness in his tone.

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