Sicklewrath reader x voltaic uprising spearton

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No one requested this oneshot i thought of this one

Your POV

I was sitting on a chair inside my tent polishing my sickle, while i was polishing my sickle i heard a familiar voice from outside. "Y/N, hurry up were gonna go soon" the voice says.

I then realize that it was sickle bear who was calling me i quickly finish polishing my sickle and head out of my tent to see sickle bear there waiting.

"Lets go Y/N" sickle bear says as he starts walking as i follow him today would be a very important day today.

The leader of the voltaic revolt, Magis had agreed to our request for a joint alliance between us to defeat the order empire. Today was the meetup to make the alliance official and work out some other details and things.

And as the bodyguard/right hand of sickle bear i was gonna come with him.

Timeskip to when they get there

Sickle bear and i alogn with a couple other sicklewrath make it to a large outpost as 2 voltaic revolt speartons let us into the outpost.

We both make our way to the big tent in the center as the other sicklewrath have some chat with some voltaic revolt members as sickle bear has me wait outside since magis wanted it to be more private as i wait outside with who i assume is a private bodyguard of sorts to magis or maybe an high rankign soldier based from the medals on them.

"So, whats your name? Im Y/N." I said a bit curiously. "..........." they stayed silent not acknowledging me or what i said.

"The silent treatment, really. We've just met." I said but the spearton still didn't say anything.

Seeing that they don't wanna talk i decide to stay quite aswell.


Sickle bear exits the tent along with magis as they both have a look of satisfaction.

"I am happy to say, that the alliance between the voltaic revolt and the sicklewrath. Is official!" Magis announced happily.

Both voltaic revolt members and sickleerath cheered as i smiled. 

After the meeting sicklebear alogn with me and the other sicklewrath make our way back home to tell the good news.

"My fellow sicklewrath, i would like to say, that the alliance between us and the voltaic revolt is official!" Sickle bear said as the rest of the sicklewrath cheered.

As everyone else had a feast to celebrate that i took part in a bit, i head back to my tent and slept.

Timeskip {cause yes}

I woke up the next morning as i head out to see a sicklewrath waithing for me.

"Y/N, sicklebear wants to meet you." The sicklewrath said as i nodded as i make my way to sickle bears tent.

I enter it to see sicklebear and suprisngly magis and that same voltaic revolt spearton i met in the tent.

"Ah, Y/N your finally here." Sickle bear said as i walk up to him. "I and magis want both you and jean to lead an suprise attack on a group of order soldiers passing through a nearby forest." Sicklebear said pointign at the voltaic spearton when he said jean.

"Sir yes sir." I replied as  sicklebear nodded as both me and jean leave the tent towards the group we are supposed to lead.

We start leading the group to where we will suprise attack the order soldiers.

I crouch down and peak out of a bush but jean pulls me back. "Don't do that, the enemy might see you." Jean said. "I was just checking if they were there yet. Plus i only had my eye peaking out." I said as jean just sighed and went back to waiting as i did the same.

After waiting awhile they soon arrive not notciing us.

Jean raises there hand as they slowly count down with there fingers. 5 4 3 2 1. We all charge out of the bushes and other places taking the order soldiers by suprise.

I jump over a swordrath and start killing of there archidons. I kick a swordrath away as i behead a archidon i then stab my sickle into the back of a swordrath and use his body to block a couple of arrows.

I then behead the swordrath and remove my sickle from him and kick a archidon in hte chin and stabbign him in the guts. I jump over a spearton that tried to attack me as i stab my sickle ijto his back cuing hi spine in half fro mthe inside as i remove my sickle.

I block an attack fro ma swordrath and then stabbed him in the head. I looked to jeangetting ganged up on by 2 swordrath and 4 speartons but jean was suprsingly able to somewhat hold them off but only a little bit seeing as they were getting tired.

I rush to help jean, i jump onto the back of oen of the speartons and behead him as i kick a spearton in the chin as i stab a swordrath in the head.

As the remaining 1 swordrath and 3 speartons look at me in suprised jean takes advantage of this and stabs a spearton in the stomach before sendign the body at the swordrath as i kick a spearton i nthe nuts before beheading him as jean finishes off the other spearton.

"You ok there jean?" I asked seeign as jean is pantign a bit. "Everything is fine." Jean said as they rushed off to fight elsewhere as i did the same.


I sat ontop of a large rock taking a rest alogn with everyone else as i see jean looking a bit bloody.

"Is that your blood oooor." I asked. "A bit of mine but mostly the enemys." Jean said trying to wipe the blood off.

I walk up to jean and help them with a small towle i had. "Can you not." Jean said. "What? Im just helping." I said "j-just hand me the towel." Jean said looking a bit red or it may just be the blood.

I reluctantly do it and sat back down on the rock i sat on earlier.

Timeskip {this is the fitfh time i've done it} 

We all make it back as i go and sit next to soem of my comrades and eat some food.

As i continue eating i see jean walking to somewhere. I quickly get up and catch up to jean.

I wrap my arm around jeans neck as jean looks at me in suprised. "Y/N what do you want." Jean said a bit startled.

"Just wanan ask for the towel i gave you." I said as jean handed me the towel as i palce it in my pocket as i let go of jean.

I look back at jean. "Want some?" I aksed handign jean some food on a stick as jean looked a bit surpised or confused i don't know as they take it and look at me. "Uh, thank you." Jean said looking a bit red or i may just be hallucinating.

"Welp see yeah later jean." I said as i ran back to where i was eating earlier as i don't see jean giving a smile as i do.

Welp thats all for now readers, see ya'll next time

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