Atreyos x Thera (not siblings AU)

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This one shot was requested by OnysHunterVehic i think that was there name.

No ones POV

Atreyos returns to the capital of the order empire in shock that he is the last one who remains from the attack of what seemed like endless amounts of deads and aswell still saddened of the death of his best friend who he was helpless to save and could only watch as his best friend got there life snuffed out in a matter of seconds.

He made his way not wanting to be noticed by anyone as he tried to come to terms with what happened as he got back to the main base of the speartons as he sat down in his office {pretend he has an office or something similiar}.

He sat in his chair trying to forget what happened but just can't seem to forget the memory of it.

After what felt like hours of reliving the memory of what happened he hears a knock at the door.

"Come in..." atreyos said as he didn't even bother to see who itwas as the door creaked open.

"Hello, atreyos." The person who entered the room said. Atreyos opened his eyes to see who it was and see that its thera.

Atreyos sits up properly. "Oh, thera its nice to see you again." Atreyos said with a bit of saddness in his tone which thera picked up on.

"Whats wrong?" Thera aksed gently as atreyos sighed. "Nothings wrong everythign is fine." Atreyos said.

"Atreyos, i know somethings wrong when i see it, please tell me, whats wrong." Thera said gently and with a caring tone.

".........." atreyos stayed silent. "Please, answer me atreyos." Thera said with a bit of a worried tone.

"...have you noticed the lack of certain people around the place." Atreyos said with a tiny bit of a somber tone.

"Yes, i have....." thera said thinking she knows where this is going to. "Me along with my best friend and others got attacked by hordes of deads. It seemed like there was an endless amount of them, i couldn't do anything as everyone else died i couldn't even save my best friend." Atreyos explained as he let a few tears out remembiring how helpless he was to do anything at that time.

As atreyos continued thera walked up to him and hugged him in a comfortign manner as she consoled him.

"Let it all out atreyos, they may have passed but they wouldn't want you to be sad now wouldn't they? Espicially not your best friend, they would want you to keep moving forward. Don't let your misery stop you from moving on. It is sad to see someoem you love go, but you must learn to accept what happened and come to terms with it and move on and be happy like they would want you." Thera said to atreyos in a consuling voice.

Atreyos teared up a bit as he let his pain and sadness from that incident all out.

Ater a while of consulign from thera. Atreyos stopped tearing up as thera took a step back. "Are you ok now atreyos." Thera asked with a gentle smile.

"Yes, yes i am. Thank you thera." Atreyos said a small smile on his face. "Glad to hear that." Thera said giving a kiss on a cjeek to atreyos while givign a warm smile as she left and told atreyos to take care.

Atreyos sat there a bit proccesign what happened and just shurgged it off as thera just beign kind as always. He rest his head on his desk as he felt the pain he held in leaving him as he felt relaxed.

"Thank you. Thera." Atreyos muttered as he closed his eyes to take a small nap.

Welp thats all for now, see ya'll readers next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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