chapter 5

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"What do we need a pistol for anyway?" Vern asked as we walked down the tracks.

"It's spooky sleeping out at night in the woods. We might see a bear," Chris turnt to Gordie, "Or a garbage can." We laughed as Gordie rolled his eyes and shoved Chris.

"Oh!" Gracie gasped and Nicki and I looked at her, she grabbed Nicki's hand and held her back as the rest of us carried on walking.

Ugh, she's probably telling them about her and Teddy's 'plan'. "Vern-o, Chris," she called. "C'mere." And they did leaving Teddy, Gord and I to walk ahead of them. "What's that all about?" Gordie asked me. "Nothing!" Teddy interrupted and I simply shrugged. He then turned and joined there group, leaving the brunette and I alone.

"So..." He began. "You reading anything good lately." I smiled up at him, squinting at the bright sun. "Yeah," I nodded. "I'm reading 'Imperial Woman', by Pearl S. Buck.

"It's about this woman, and she's like an Empress and she was like the Emperors mistress and then he died, so she ruled China. It's really good so far."

"I think I saw that on your bookshelf a while ago.." he said. "You written anything lately?"
He smiled slightly. "Yeah, a story. It's about this pie eating contest. I was gonna get you to proof read it soon."

"Oh cool! I'd love to when we get home." He blushed slightly at this. "Hey guys? Quit gossiping and come here!" I called to the others.

We had come to a stop in front of a red bridge. "I brought a comb, y/n/n!" Vern told me excitedly. "What for, you don't have any hair?" I asked him. "Well, it's for you guys. If we get on TV, we'll wanna look good!" He smiled. "Aw that's sweet Vern, thanks."

"That's a lot of thinking Vern-o." Gordie adds sarcastically. "Two for flinching," Teddy said, hitting Vern twice in the arm. "So, how far do you guys think it is?" He asked us, referring to the long walk ahead of us.

"If we follow the tracks all the way into Harlow, should be about twenty miles. What'd you think Gordie?" Chris consulted the brunette boy. "Yeah, about that, maybe even 30."

"Can't we just hitchhike there?" Vern asked. "No way that sucks!" Teddy complained. "Vern, that defeats the point. It's an adventure." Gracie agreed with Teddy. "Yeah, Vern." I nodded. "Why? We'll get there in half the time, by sundown!"

"That's pussy! No way." Teddy said again. "Well, hey. It's a long way." Vern defended. "Did your mother ever have any kids that lived?" Teddy asked the smaller boy as we began walking across the tracks. "What dyou mean?"

"Don't worry, Vern. I don't get it either." I patted him on the arm. We walked a while, the heat was exhausting us. Eventually we got out of the woods and began walking out in open fields, still following the tracks.

"Have gun will travel, reads the card of a man." We all sang, the tune to 'The Ballad of Paladin'.  "A knight without armour in a savage land. His fast gun for hire he's the calling wind, a soldier of fortune is a man called Paladin..." We finished, though Teddy carried on singing.

Chris and Gordie were leading our group stood together at the front, I was behind them Vern trailing just behind me with Nicki at his side. Teddy and Gracie were together at the back of our group, swinging their hands back and forth.

"We have to fill up at the junkyard. My dad says it's a safe well." Gordie announced as Chris sipped from his canteen. "Okay, how long till we get there?" I asked. "Not long y/n/n." He replied slowing his pace.

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