Chapter 24

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*Warning: There is a slight possibility that you will find smut in this chapter*

*Ze's POV*

Even though I know that I'm going to regret doing this later, I place my hands on Kevin's chest and quickly push him away from me.


He sighs and gets up. "I'm sorry Ze. I shouldn't have done that. I've just had this stupid crush on you for so long and I thought that maybe you could like me back. I guess I was wrong. I didn't even know if you liked guys. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone."

And with that, he stands and starts to walk out. As he reaches the door, I can't help but feel bad for him, so I say, "I'm gay."

He then stops and turns back to me. "What?"

"...I'm gay."

"Then, why did you-"

"Because... I'm in love with someone else."

He walks back over and I can see tears starting to form in his eyes. "Who are you in love with? Why did you keep your sexuality a secret for so long?"

"Because... I'm in love with a guy who I can't be with, and I didn't want to come out because I was afraid something like this would happen."

He then stares at me with a look of shock. "Are you- Are you in love with Chilled?"

Now is my turn to look stare at him in shock. "How did you come up with that?"

"Jordan and the others told me all about you and Chilled back when he was a Creature. According to them, you guys were always together and without even trying, you guys could fuel fanfictions with less than ten words."

I look away and try my best not to smile. All of that was true, and it would still be true today if he and I could hang out. But since I need to pretend like I have nothing with Chilled, I force a frown on my face. "Yeah. That was true. And Yeah, you're right. I am in love with Chilled. And I can't find the heart to move on. I've been trying, I really have, but it's too hard."

"You just haven't found the right person to help you move on yet," he says as he sits back down on my bed next to me. "But I don't think I've seen you try going out with someone else." He then slides his hand onto my leg. "And maybe I could help you forget all about Chilled." He then starts to slide his hand close to my crotch and starts moving his face to my neck.

My body starts to heat up, and a part of me wants to let this happen, but the moment I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I know that I have to get him out of this room. So, I quickly roll out of bed and hold my hands in front of me to tell him to stay where he is. "Look, Kevin. I like you, I really do. But, I don't want to use you in order to get over my feels."

"Ze, please, I don't even mind being use! I just want to be with you. I want to hold you, and kiss you, and be able to have you on my arm and call you mine! Please, Ze!"

I feel my heart breaking for him, and I really want to walk over and give him a hug, but I know that I have to do this. "I'm sorry Kevin. You should go back to bed."

He then looks down at his hands, shaking as tears start to fall from his face. And without even looking up at me, he says, "Fine," in a somewhat dark and scary voice, before getting off of my bed and storming out of my room.

Once he shuts my door, I let out a shaky sigh and check my phone. Chilled texted me, telling me that he was just down the street. This puts a smile back on my face, and I sneak out of my bedroom window and climb down the side of the house. Looking down the street, I see Chilled's car parked just a few houses down. Smiling, I run over and jump into the front seat.

"It's about time babe," he says as he leans over and kisses me. "What took you so long?"

"Someone woke up and I was trying to get them out of my room when you texted me. Sorry babe. But enough about that. Let's go on our date."

*Kevin's POV*

The moment I walk into my room, I collapse onto my bed and start crying into my pillow. This isn't fair. This is not fair! I should be with Ze! Fucking Chilled! I knew he would be a fucking problem when the others told me how close they use to be, but I didn't know that he was going to steal Ze away from me without even fucking talking to him!

I then hear a meow coming from outside my window, and when I look, I see Hox sitting by it. Oh yeah. I forgot I let him out before I went to talk to Ze.

I then wipe away my tears and get up to let him back in. As I open the window though, I notice someone running through our yard, but it's too dark to see. It's only when he runs under the light-post for a split second that I realize that it was Ze.

What the hell? What is he doing out so late? Where is he going?

I then shut the window and stare out, waiting to see what happens next. A few seconds after I see Ze disappear from my sight, I see a car drive by, and I feel my blood boil. I recognize that fucking car. It's fucking Chilled's car! No wonder Ze didn't want be with me! Chilled already got him!

Hox then jumps on top of my desk by my window, so I pick him up and start petting him as I stare out the window. Alright Chilled. Alright Ze. You two want to be a couple. Let's just see what the families have to say about this.

*Chilled's POV*

Ze and I finish our very late dinner and decide to stay here for a little while later. Some lights are still on, making the city shine, and this just seems like the prefect time to cuddle with my little Viking. Something that we don't really get to do.

As we sit in the front seat of my car, looking out into the beautiful city, I can't help but think, now would be the prefect time to just run away together. Now would be the perfect time to just say fuck everyone and drive out of town. We could start a new life together. One without rivalries and fear of losing everything for love. But do get to that life, we would have to lose everything we have. Say goodbye to our friends and family that live here. Say goodbye to YouTube until we find a place to start over in. It'll be too hard for us at our age.

I look down at Ze and see him just staring off into the city. I can't help but wonder what's going on inside his adorable little head as I lean down and kiss his forehead. He looks up at me and stares into my eyes. I swear, his eyes shine brighter than the city lights.

"I thought you weren't going to make a move on me unless I said so."

I chuckle. "I just wanted to look into your eyes. But, now that you mentioned it."

He shakes his head, but gladly kisses me back once I press my lips against his. I then move my hands to his hips and gently pull him closer to me and he wraps his arms around my neck. Without breaking our lips, I then pull him over, having him sit on my lap, and I slide one hand onto his butt.

He then breaks our kiss, but quickly moves down to kiss my neck as he grinds himself against me, causing me to grow hard from under him. I moan as he continues to grind against me as he sucks and nibbles at my sweet spot. I then feel him growing just as hard and I start to grow a bit impatient with all of Ze's teasing.

Ze pulls his head away from my neck and looks down me with a hot little smirk, but that smirk disappears as his eyes look over me. "We have to leave," He says out of nowhere. Then, before I can say anything, he jumps back into the passenger seat. "Hurry, we have to go!"

"Wait, why? What's wrong?"

"I just saw two sets of blue and red lights by the main road heading up! Chilled, the police are here, it's past curfew, and if we get caught up here, the whole school will know by tomorrow morning!"

Haha Sorry Foxes, but with how I ended last chapter, I had to start this one with that. Just to I'd give some of you a little scare ;) I'll see you guys later!

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