Chapter 32

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*???'s POV*

"Holy fuck," I say as we walk into the bathroom down the hall from our classes. I quickly check all of the stalls as I continue talking. "I can't believe they fucking did that to Ze."

"I told you not to send it to them," my partner says. "I was friends with Gassy before Jordan kicked him out of the Creatures, and I've heard all about his group from him. They're fucking psycho, as you've just witnessed."

"You can say that again. By the way, nice work sending those texts to them without anyone seeing."

He chuckles. "Yeah, told you I was good at texting without looking at my phone... I hope Ze is okay. Diction really went all out on him."

"He must still be pissed at us for making the truce. I'm pretty sure he's been itching to beat the crap out of one of us for a while. It just sucks that Ze was the closest to them."

He starts laughing before he walks over and shows me a text he sent to Ze. "Don't worry, I'm going to make you the same promise that I made Ze. We'll get in between them before the end of the week."

"But how? After we sent them the link to the post and texted them from our extra cell, they have both our email and cell, so they'll never believe anything we post now."

"Well, if they won't take our word for it anymore; then why don't we show them the real thing?"

He then scrolls down and shows me a text ready to be sent to Max and Jordan. Keep an eye on the ones that are not with you ~ K.A.E.

"Next time those two sneak away to see which other, we're going to send this to them, and watch as they walk into a our plan."

I laugh, "This is better than your last two plans. But this is also why I came to you for this deal."

(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *Several Hours Later*

*Ze's POV*

As lunch time rolls around, I text Jordan and tell him that I have detention after class, so me and Chilled can have some alone time to talk. After what happened this morning, we were more focused on getting to the nurse's office fast rather than talk about what's going on; so we agreed to meet during lunch so we can talk about what's it.

Once the bell rings for lunch, I hurry to my locker, throw my books into it, and run to the classroom me and Chilled agreed to meet at. When I get there, I shut the door behind me and turn on the lights so I can see. That's when I see Chilled, sitting against one of the desks, waiting for me.

"How did you get here so fast," I ask.

"Not important. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Now, why don't we just get this over with." I then sit next to him and tell him everything that Kae did to Aleks and James and how he seemed to have known exactly what was going on and what was happening when it happened. Then I tell him about the text I got from Kae a few minutes after Aleks and James broke up.

"So, you think he's going to get worse as time goes on?"

"I don't know. All I know is that that post was just the beginning. I don't know exactly what he's planning to do next, but I know that it's not good."

"And he's not going to leave us alone unless we break up."

I sigh. "I don't want to lose you, Chilly Willy. I know we've been dating for like two months, but I feel like I just got you. I don't want to lose you. Not now."

He then pushes himself off of the desk and pulls me close to him. "I don't care what this bastard does. If he wants a fight, then he can show himself and fight me one on one. I am not letting you go that easily. Steven. I love you more than anything."

"But Chilled-"

"No buts. I don't care if we have to run away to be together. I'm not letting you go."

Tears start to run down my face and I pull myself closer to him, closing all spaces between us with a kiss. Time seems to melt away as we just stand there, holding each other, not wanting to let each other go. That is until we hear the classroom door open. That's when we turn and see both Max and Jordan, standing in the doorway, staring at us in complete shock.


?1: Hello Foxes, as the author of this story would say. It's us, the people behind K.A.E.

?2: Or Kae as those idiots have called us.

?1: But we just wanted to come on here and tell all of you how much we just love seeing you all try to guess just who we are!

?2: You've all guessed; and some of you have guessed right.

?1 and ?2: But we'll never tell.

?1: So just relax.

?2: Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation if you're still on it.

?1: And let us worry about what's going to happen to Ze and Chilled. Because this is going to be our story soon.

*The two move aside, revealing me, the author, tied to a chair with my mouth covered in duct tape.*

?2: Now, as she would say.

?1 and ?2: I'll see you guys later!

*As the two laugh, I pull out a knife from my pocket and start cutting the ropes. This is my story after all. Someone has to protect it.*

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Where stories live. Discover now