XXI- Christmas

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As the sweet aroma of roasted turkey permeated the air, John and I scurried amidst the flurry of Christmas Eve preparations, our hearts abuzz with anticipation. Several hours earlier, as the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across our cozy home, John had suggested inviting our dear friends, Mary and Paul, to share in this special occasion. Their presence would undoubtedly dispel any hint of loneliness that might have otherwise crept into our hearts.

I found myself engrossed in the kitchen, my attention wholly absorbed by the culinary masterpiece taking shape in the oven. However, a gentle embrace from behind brought a warm smile to my face.

"You know I'm cooking, dear," I playfully reminded him.

Undeterred, John tightened his hold, whispering in my ear, "You're too busy. Can you take a break for a while?"

His words elicited a soft chuckle. I leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on his forehead and cheeks, saving the sweetest one for his lips.

"Okay, I'll just finish this and then I'll take a break," I promised.

With a lingering kiss, John retreated to the living room, where he busied himself with arranging the gifts beneath the twinkling Christmas tree.

As I returned to my culinary duties, a contented smile adorned my lips. For years, I had spent Christmas alone, my heart heavy with solitude. But this year, everything was different. I had found love in John, a man whose presence filled me with a joy I had never known before.

Suddenly, the doorbell chimed, its melody cutting through the hum of activity.

"I'll take it!" John's voice boomed from the other room, and moments later the door swung open.

As the tantalizing aroma of roasted turkey filled the air, I stepped into the dining room, my apron cast aside. The table was a feast for the senses, laden with all the traditional trimmings: fluffy mashed potatoes, rich gravy, tangy cranberry sauce, and an assortment of crisp vegetables. Desserts of ham, apple pie, raisin pudding, Christmas pudding, and fruitcake served as the decadent finale to this culinary masterpiece.

With a newfound lightness in my step, I made my way to the living room to greet our guests. As I entered, I witnessed a warm embrace between Mary and John. A wave of warmth washed over me as I approached Paul, and we exchanged a manly hug.

"I'm so glad you guys came," I exclaimed, my voice filled with genuine joy. Mary's infectious laugh echoed through the room as she enveloped me in a warm hug and kiss.

"Of course, it would be our pleasure," she beamed. "Besides, you guys are like family to us."

We settled onto the plush couch, our glasses clinking in a merry toast. As we sipped our wine and engaged in lively conversation, I felt a wave of contentment wash over me. However, amidst the laughter and merriment, a nagging thought crept into my mind.

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