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Novacane ~ Frank Ocean

Novacane ~ Frank Ocean

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New York

Neal looked at Emma as she talked on the phone outside the bar. He had never really expected to see her again and he certainly never expected his father to be there as well. He sighed as he looked down trying to figure out his thoughts. After a few seconds he decided to call his old friend.

He took his phone and dialed the number and as the phone began ringing he brought it to his ear. He waited a while before the ringing stopped and the person answered the call.

"Hey, what's up?", a female voice answered on the other end of the line.

"Evelyn, something happened", Neal told her seriously, using her real name.

"What is it?", she asked with a worried tone.

"Emma's here... and so his my father", he said lowering his voice.

"What? Why? Are they here together?", she asked confused.

"Yeah, apparently they made a deal. My father wanted to find me and asked Emma to help him", he explained as he kept watching Emma outside the bar.

"So the curse really was broken", Evelyn commented with a sigh.

"Yeah. I tried to convince Emma to tell my father a lie, that she didn't find me, but she hasn't really told me what she'll do, yet. She's talking with someone on the phone right now, but I hope she won't tell my father anything", he said with a worried tone.

"Alright, whatever happens I'll be there", she told him and he could hear the sound of her keys as she took them to open the door of her apartment.

"No, no. I got it handled, you don't have to come here, if they find out-", he started arguing but she stopped him.

"They won't. Listen, I won't come now, but you have to promise me that if anything happens you'll tell me and I'll be there", she told him seriously.

"Alright, I promise", he replied with a sigh.

"Okay, be careful", she told him before hanging up.


"Hey, Henry why don't you choose what to get while I make a quick call?", Neal asked Henry as they walked inside the pizzeria. After meeting his father and his son he desperately needed to talk to the only person who had stood by his side for most of his life, Evelyn. He had promised to tell her if anything unusual happened anyway and that could definitely be considered as such.

He walked farther from Henry and when he came to a quiet spot in the pizzeria he took his phone and called Evelyn. It only took a few seconds before she answered.

"Hey, did something happen?", she asked him as soon as she answered the phone.

"Well, yeah. I met my father", he said.

"How did it go? Do I have to kill someone", she asked him sarcastically.

"No, no. I just told him that I didn't want to talk to him", he replied.

"You did the right thing. But why do I feel like you're keeping something from me?", she asked him.

"Well, uh... I also met my son today", he replied hesitantly, not really being used to using that word.

"Your what?", she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, well turns out Emma brought someone with her and something good did come out from our relationship. His name his Henry", he explained not helping the genuine smile that formed on his lips.

"God, that's amazing. You'll make an amazing father, Neal. I wish I could meet him", she said as a smile also formed on her lips.

"You will, just maybe not today, a lot's going on", he told her as he watched Henry order the pizza.

"Yeah, alright. By the way, I just ended my shift now and I'm heading home so could you please make sure that we don't meet on the street, I don't really have the best history with your father and I don't really feel like seeing him", she told him.

"Yeah, sure. I gotta go now, I'll call you later", he told her before hanging up and going back to Henry.

Meanwhile Evelyn put her phone back in her pocket and walked out of the cafe. She walked trough the busy streets of the city passing all the people and the loud cars. She walked for a while before she spotted her black motorcycle. She had a lot of time to get used to that modern and different life and one thing she loved was her motorcycle, she honestly didn't know how she had lived her whole life in the Enchanted Forest without one.

She hopped on the motorcycle and started riding trough the noisy streets. She drove for a while before she came across Neal's building which was a few blocks before hers. She stopped the motorcycle and parked it before going to hide behind a wall. She watched as Neal, Emma, Rumplestiltskin and who she assumed to be Henry, walked inside the building.

She came out of her hiding spot and went for her motorcycle, but suddenly she saw someone walking, well more like running, to Neal's building. She stopped to look at the person and her jaw dropped as she recognised who it was. She would have recognised that leather jacket everywhere. She looked as he made his way to the door and quickly came out of her trance as she started running towards him.

She got closer to him as he walked inside. She quickly made her way to the door and forcefully opened it to be revealed with a rather shocking sight. Emma was on the ground and so was Rumplestiltskin, but he had the leather jacket man on top of him as he raised his hook.

"Time's up, crocodile. You took, Evelyn, my love, my happiness. And for that I now take your life", Evelyn heard the way too familiar voice of the man say as he got ready to hit Rumplestiltskin, but she had to do something to stop him. As much as she didn't like him, she knew that Neal would never want his father dead.

She quickly walked to the man and pushed him off Rumplestiltskin as she took her gun from the back of her black jeans and raised it at him.

The man was a bit disoriented as he got pushed off Rumplestiltskin, but he stood up and as his eyes locked on his attacker he felt his heart drop.

"Evelyn?", he said not much over a whisper but before he could say anything the back of the woman's gun came in contact with his head and he fell unconscious on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Killian", Evenlyn whispered as she looked at the unconscious man in the ground.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ༄ 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now