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Blake POV

When Arnold called dad his father,my heart skipped a bit. I mean I was confused as hell. The doctor said he had amnesia but he still remembered.

"So all we had to do was give him pineapple juice and he gets dads memory back?" Asked Cain also confused. I shrugged.

"Am also confused." I said looking at the doctor checking his vitals.

"Actually sir its not that. Every time you give him something only his past self remembers you make part of his memory to return but not fully. He will be waking up soon. I think your parents should be ready to talk to him then."  Said doctor Luca. By the way he was staring at my little brother I think he had a slight crush. I mean it wasn't the first time he had crushed on my siblings and I but I didn't say a word. I just nodded as he left the ward room. We couldn't treat him in our mansion sick bay because he needed proper care and only specialist doctors could do that.

Now my biggest worry was how our parents would convince this little guy that we are his family. We had already planned it out but mom was still reluctant and wanted to keep him so a court date was set and it was pretty clear we would still win. We just wanted to give mom what she wanted.

Some hours later, the social services guy entered pushing mom's wheelchair and dad beside them. The guy seemed to be flirting with mom but I didn't care, I just wanted our little brother back. Mom seemed teary eyed as she stared at Arnold.

"Is he awake yet?" Dad whispered I shook my head no.

"No but pretty soon.....oh he is awake." I said softly as Arnold stirred in his bed. Mom motioned for the social services person to take her nearer and he did so that she was right beside Arnold's bed.

"Hey mom....how are you feeling?" I heard Arnold's weak voice and almost started crying immediately but his mom beat me to it.

"Hey sweetie am fine thanks to you." She whispered but we all heard.

"Its fine mom...it was actually Mr Miguel who helped not me." He said and I saw mom flinch. I bet she wasn't prepared for the day to tell her son the truth.

"Yes honey,he is a good man isn't he?" She asked smiling. I smiled at the fact that she didn't bad mouth dad to Arnold.

Arnold nodded and smiled.

"Yeah he is very nice mom,they paid our bills and they don't even know us." He exclaimed just as moms head bowed in shame.

"Mom are you OK? Does anything hurt?" He asked. His mom smiled at him while tears slipped out of her eyes.

"No baby am fine. I love you, you know that right?" She asked hesitantly. Arnold quickly nodded clearly not understanding his mom.

"Yeah mom, I love you too..." He started.

"And i was just trying to be a good mom honey, I wasn't before and even now am not....." She stammered as tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Mom you are..I just need to earn enough to get you to rehab....don't say that...Alcohol ruined us...its not your fault..." He sobbed with his mom.

"Honey its not just alcohol....I do drugs...honey I can't even pay rent..." She said sobbing. Arnold hesitantly put his arm on her back and soothed her.

"I'll get a better job mom, I promise...enough to pay our rent....you won't have to do it alone." He spoke with so much pain tears slipped out of my eyes.

"No homey you don't deserve that...you deserve way better than me." She said. This was so emotional I wasn't ready for that.

"Mom don't say such things....was it George who said those stupid words to you again? Was he the one who hit you?" He asked still crying. His mom shook her head and laid her head on his chest as she sobbed completely vulnerable at her youngest son's arms. I knew mom needed to tell Arnold how she ended up on the floor bleeding. How she drunk too much and it took a toll on her. How her man for the night hit her with a broken bottle of alcohol and almost kill her. It wasn't the right time though, for now she had to tell him about his family, about us.

"Honey, the children's officer came and....saw you..." She said still crying.

"I hurt you so bad baby.....am sorry." She whispered. Arnold nodded.

"Mom its OK you didn't know....I forgave you already..." He cried. My little brother was so innocent I pitied him but he had to know why we were so interested in him in the first place.

"Remember on your fifteenth birthday you asked about your dad?" She sobbed. Arnold eyes widened in guilt.

"Mom am sorry if that caused all of this, its OK if he is a deadbeat who doesn't love us, I have you mom. That's all that matters." He was still sobbing silently.

"No honey...." Mom stopped turning to look at dad with the softest smile I ever saw her wear.

"Your dad is an amazing man, so handsome I was jealous of myself for having him, he is not poor dear, he might be the richest guy you'll ever meet, he is so caring and so loving....." Mom broke down and Arnold held her.

"Mom its OK we don't have to talk about him now..." Arnold tried to console her but mom slightly smiled.

"No honey, you have to meet the man I fell in love with though he never fell for me." She smiled again and softly nodded to herself as if confirming something.

"Honey you were never unwanted, your dad he.....he searched for you for years but I hid you from him....I was so scared that the only thing holding our connection to each other would be taken from me by the Man i loved that I didn't see I was hurting our little bundle of treasure..." She stopped and looked at Arnold.

"Honey this are your family, your father and brothers The Miguel familia I can't watch them say Arrivederci to their tesoro when they have done all this." She finished. Just then I saw Arnold's arms go limp in mom's as he fell back and blacked out. Shit! He really was sick.

OK now after this we are going to have the b×b parts more frequently now😅😙thanks for reading

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