Chapter 6: Birthday Joys

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Finding a good spot was the easy part. They walked through the trees and flowers for about twenty minutes until they found a nice little area near a tree trunk that was clear. There was a nice canopy of leaves over it so it will already be decent shelter when they start digging.

Thank god I kept all my hiking stuff. I should have my shovel and pick in here somewhere. John Dory digs through his backpack while Branch explores the area behind him. Then John comes across a wrapped box and tries to keep it hidden. He forgot he has Branch's present in here.

His son's birthday is tomorrow and John is so excited. It's his first birthday since JD came back and he wants to make it special. His baby is turning five! It makes John's heart ache, seeing his boy getting so big. Everything that's happened recently too makes him more determined to make it great for his angel. He deserves it.

"Ah hah!" John pulls out a folding shovel.

"Dory! Look!" Branch says, getting John to look back at him. He's got John's goggles on his head, the straps and lenses way too big for him as they keep falling while he giggles.

"Well, well, it looks like I've got a little thief on my hands," John smirks. He stalks closer to Branch as the boy runs away. John chases and catches him, wrapping him up in his arms.

"Doryyy!" Branch squeals, giggling up a storm as John Dory squeezes him in a hug.

The goggles fall in front of Branch's eyes and John fixes them back on his head, smiling. "Looking good, Bitty B!" He teases, booping Branch's nose. "Like a certain cool older brother I know." Branch's colors brighten the teeniest bit and his ears perk up. John wants to cry seeing how happy he looks. "Are you excited for tomorrow, angel?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to start the bunker!" Branch says, pulling out a little drawing from his oversized vest. "Me and Floyd drew this too. It's gonna be so cool!"

John chuckles, "I'm glad you're so excited, bug." He looked at the drawing and raises an eyebrow. "Is that a waterslide shower?"

"Yeah! Cool, right?" Branch's eyes sparkle.

John rolls his eyes internally and grins. "Hell yeah, buddy! Sounds awesome," he says. "I don't know how easy it'll be to do that part, but we can try it. Can't promise it'll work, though." He doesn't want to get Branch's hopes up too high.

"I know," Branch says, embarrassed. "I made this when I was super small, so it's a little silly."

"It's not silly, bug." John kisses his cheek. "It's cute."

"JD!" Branch whines, pushing him away.

"Someone's getting cranky," John snickers. "I think it's almost someone's bedtime." Branch yawns and rubs his eyes. "Oh, yeah. Bed time for the baby." He sets Branch back on his feet, the boy protesting being put down as he pouts sleepily. "Gotta make our beds real quick, buddy." He kisses Branch's forehead and goes to grab their sleeping bags and blankets from their backpacks. He also puts a tarp up with a few sticks to cover them and their supplies.

After securing their stuff, John turns back to Branch and smiles softly. The boy is curled up on John's vest, his little tail wrapped around himself as he snuggles into the fur collar. Oh my god, he's so cute. Gently, John picks him up, trying not to wake him, and carries him to their makeshift beds. He wraps Branch up snuggly in his sleeping bag before getting into his own and laying Branch's bundle on his chest. Kissing Branch's forehead, he whispers, "I love you, baby. Sweet dreams." Then, John closes his eyes, and tries to get some sleep too.


John Dory wakes up groggily, the sun just barely peaking through the trees as it rises. Branch had moved out of his sleeping bag at some point in the night and is now curled up in John's hair. He's still wearing the goggles, now sideways on his head and making his own dark hair look crazy.

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