Chapter Four

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"Why such gloomy faces? Did someone finally get the upper hand on the famous Moose and Squirrel?"

Crowley's recognizable accent broke the tense silence currently blanketing the bunker's library. Dean and Sam's head snapped up at the demon's sudden appearance. "Go away, Crowley. Now really isn't the time," Dean grumbled as he scrubbed a hand over his scruffy face before returning back to his laptop.

"What crawled into your drawers and died?" Crowley knew better than to take anything the boys said at face value, but sometimes they were really good at ruining a good day. Turning his attention to the younger brother he repeated his question, "Moose? Why the horse face?"

Sam huffed and rolled his shoulders, his tired eyes squeezing shut for a few seconds in hopes that it might wake him up a little more. "Nothing we can't handle, Crowley. We're just looking for something. What did you need?" Sam was usually the more hospitable of the two brothers, but to flat out ask what the King of Hell needed? Something was off. And Crowley had a good guess as to what it was they were looking for. Or rather whom.

"Looking for something or someone?" He asked casually as he strolled over to the small table that held the liquor, happily pouring himself a glass of the amber liquid. He didn't have to be looking in their direction to know their heads had just snapped in his direction like a rubber band pulled back and let go. Crowley knew what the boys had done a couple months ago. They'd let their big headed egos get the better of them and pushed away someone they cared about. They had encountered something that had caught them off guard, scared them. And so they had responded in true John Winchester fashion and turned on her in the harshest way possible.

Being the King of Hell, you didn't tend to make a lot of friends. It was bad for business. I mean seriously, who would take you seriously if you were buddy buddy with a human? Being that as it is, Crowley would be almost the last to admit that he had a soft spot for the Milligan girl. She had been hanging around the Winchester brothers for a while now, and though she had taken down some of his higher up demons, he could respect her courage and strength. He also had to admire the fact that she managed to keep such a huge secret while living in close quarters with the famed Winchester hunters. Her ability to smart mouth off to Dean in true sisterly fashion and get him all frustrated and flustered was amusing as well.

"Crowley?" Dean's voice came out in a gravelly threat.

Crowley casually took up his drink, adjusting his black suit coat before taking a seat in one of the chairs at the other end of the table Sam and Dean were sat at. He took a sip of the liquor before addressing the brother. "Squirrel."

"Do you know where she is?" Sam asked this question, a slight hint of hopefulness lacing his words. Ah, so the big one felt some form of regret at his actions, did he? Crowley ignored the Moose and kept his gaze focused on Dean as he took another relaxed sip from his glass of alcohol. "I might."

"We don't have time to deal with all your maybe B.S., Crowley. Do you actually know something about where she went or not?" Dean's ire raised as he spoke. Crowley's gaze remained fixed on him, the demon completely unbothered by his harsh words.

"Why should I tell you anything? I mean, aren't you the one that turned her away? Claimed you couldn't trust a witch? Screaming that she would never be family--" Dean cut Crowley off, slamming his hand down on the table.

"She is family, dammit!" Dean's booming voice brought a silence across the room. Crowley looked at him, eyes narrowed and the glass in his hand stopping midway between the table and his mouth before he responded to Dean's outburst with one of his own. Slamming his glass down on the table he went after the older Winchester. "Then how about you bloody act like she is!"

"What the hell do you think we're doing? You think we're just putting around the place twiddling our damn thumbs?" Dean stood as he threw his arm out, gesturing to the bunker around them.

Sam spoke up, holding a hand out towards his brother in an attempt to calm him. "Look, let's just calm down, okay? Crowley, we know we overreacted--"

"Oh, you don't say?" Snarked the King of Hell. Dean turned his head to the side in frustration at Crowley, his lips forming a tight line as he held back whatever it was that he wanted to say.

"Yes," Sam continued, glancing at his brother, "We admit we overreacted, and we could've handled things better."

"Handled it better?" Crowley leaned forward in his chair, interlacing his hands on the table in front of him. "Bloody hell! Everything you said and did was wrong! If I hadn't known any better, I would've asked if you two idiots had been possessed by one of the dumbest lowest life-form of demons I've got." He turned to Dean who clearly wasn't happy with being called stupid. "You, Squirrel," Crowley shook his head in disappointment, "I thought you had learned your lesson with Sam. But apparently your father is still mucking things up in that brain of yours." He turned on Sam before Dean had a chance to respond. Who knew playing the disciplining mother hen and pointing out their absolute stupidity could be so enjoyable? Who was he kidding? He knew.

"And you! You knew how she felt! She's practically the female version of you." Crowley leaned back in his chair, picking up his glass of liquor once again, his voice returning to it's usual suavity. "She's much prettier than you, but you give her a run for her money on the hair. I'll give you that." Crowley lifted his glass in cheers to Sam before taking another sip and continuing on, relaxing back in his chair once more. "She had a parent and a brother that didn't understand who or what she was; she couldn't talk to. Sound familiar?" He raised an eyebrow at Sam who had the decency to keep his mouth shut, looking down at the table in front of him. "She had to keep who she is hidden and ashamed."

Sam attempted to defend himself, "But that was demon blood. It was different for me."

Crowley rolled his eyes at this man's stupidity. "That has got to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. And I'm the King of Hell! Yes, you were infected with demon blood. It was forced on you. But she came that way! Sam, you were rejected because of what happened to you. Alex was rejected because of who she is."

Crowley let the words sink in for a moment. Bloody hell, he needed to make sure he stopped by the torture rooms on the way back. He was starting to go soft. Again. He didn't need that rumor going around. Again.

"You went back to normal, Sam. Well, as normal as a Winchester can get in this world anyways. Alex on the other hand will never 'go back to normal.'"

"Look," Dean spoke up, taking a seat back in the chair he had vacated earlier. "We know we screwed up." He paused, gathering his thoughts for a moment. "But she's family. We just want her to come home."

Crowley took a dramatic breath before finishing off the final bit of liquor in his glass. "Well, that might actually be harder than you think."

"Why?" Sam looked at him in concern, his questions coming out in a jumbled mess. "Is she okay? Where is she?"

"Calm down, Moose. She's fine as far as I am aware. Got herself a nice little set up in a small town in Virginia last I heard." Crowley stood, adjusting his suit jacket before buttoning it up.

"Virginia? Where in Virginia?"

Crowley smirked. "A little town called Mystic Falls."

"Mystic Falls? What the hell kind of name is that?" Dean asked with a scoff as Sam quickly typed the name into the search engine on his computer. Crowley waited patiently for the confirmation of what he had heard. Sam looked up with a confused and irritated face. "Uh, Crowley? There's no Mystic Falls in Virginia."

"What they hell kind of game are you playing, Crowley?" Dean wasn't happy. Good. Crowley smirked at the brothers. He knew Alex was settled and doing well, he'd give her her time and space. She deserved to be happy. And as an added bonus, Crowley got to screw around with the Winchester boys.

"I never said it was in this world."

And with a quick snap of his fingers, Crowley was gone.

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