chapter 6 - a lot of blood loss...

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When they had heard the loud banging and crashing, smashing and all the noise they rushed outside to see a ramaging hell hound.. that shouldn't be here...? They're normally in the greed and lust ring? Not the pride ring! Somethings not right... "what?- they're not normally located in the pride ring-" lucifer was quickly cut off by a clawed fist plunging through his stomach, splattering his golden blood all over the floor and on alastor, some of his intestines, falling onto floor, squishy, gorey and red, mushy too. Alastor looked at lucifers' intestines, then quickly ran, stalled the hellhound, made it get scared, and run away.

He then stared at lucifer for around 3 seconds before rushing over and catching him before lucifer passed out. He then grabbed ander his legs and held him bridal style and rushing inside to tend to his wounds. He grabbed bandages and a needle and thread to sew and stitch up his wounds, then bandage them.

Alastor was MORE than worried for lucifer, he loved him after all, would you not do anything for the one and only person you loved? Because I sure would!! But anyway, he had been crying and holding luci's hand up to his face, kissing it every once and while, hoping he'd be OK..
"Oh please be OK luci....." he spoke silently crying, with tears falling down his face and mini-splashing, on the floor. He wanted to stop, he seemed 'weak'. Well that's what he thought, he wasn't. He was displaying normal human- well, normal emotions.

He took lucifer to bed to rest but lucifer woke up right as he was placed in the bed and alastor was walking away. Lucifer gripped alastors arms and pulled him onto the bed clinging onto him while falling asleep.

300 words

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