Chapter Eight: Then

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Ainsley looked morosely at their shared bunk.

"I'm going to miss you," sighed the taller girl.

"Miss my snoring? I can't imagine why," Kali replied.

Ainsley laughed. "You don't really snore. You just talk in your sleep a little."

"Really? Anything interesting?"

"Couldn't really hear from below you. I just know you talk. I wish you were in my new squad," Ainsley sighed again. At least it wouldn't take long to move their belongings, as they were. Within an hour they would be given their new platoon assignments for the week. Ainsley had gone up in rank, after their first game, to number six. The dark Gourds had ranked number seven out of all the others in the game, which was the better side of the middle. Even Kali's score had gone up to 26, but over the week she'd fallen back down to 30.

"I don't test well," Kali had explained when Ainsley had looked at her sympathetically. Kadent was the same way, leaping almost ten spots from the games to drop back down to mid fifties, but the girl never seemed to even look at her score, let alone care. For the last couple of days, she'd been nearly inseparable with Augus.

"I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine. Better, even. I'm just hoping I don't get Zakariah as my leader, or it's going to be a really bad week."

Ainsley grimaced in commiseration. "You got history with that guy, huh?"

"Just not the fun, sexual tension kind. The lofty disinterest turned unbridled loathing kind."

"Assignments are up," called one of the girls from across the room. Kali still hadn't bothered to learn their names. Their score had sunk, lighter purple being one of the lowest scoring teams, fifteen out of sixteen. They'd only gotten one waypoint. Better than pale green, who hadn't reached any, and had only one elimination before being eliminated entirely. Kali did not envy them.

She flicked on her Hub, searching for the new team make ups. Well, Zakariah wasn't her leader, but it wasn't much better who was.

"I don't recognize most of these people. I really ought to make more of an effort..." Ainsley chewed her lip, stopping at Kali's expression. "What is it? Who are you with?'

"Nari." Nari had dropped to number three, and had been pretty much a walking storm after the two squads had teamed up against her. Gasquet, the one who had instigated it all, had gone up to rank one, effectively stealing her spot, while Zakariah had remained at rank 2.

"Well, that's good!" Ainsley squeezed her hand. "She's smart. Really smart. And she's going to be so determined to do well after last week."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Besides, I don't think she likes me."

"I'm not sure she likes most people," Ainsley admitted. "Especially, well."

"Snobby kids who've had everything handed to them all their lives?" Kali offered.

"You said it. Not me. Well. I guess we'd better move before they start flooding into the room. Don't think this means we won't still talk and eat meals together, Kali."

Kali thought that this was exactly what it meant, but didn't say it out loud. Ainsley was too good natured, but running a platoon meant that needed to come first. She'd learn. She'd have to.

It felt like a long walk to her new dorm room, the Golden Lotus. Everyone was shuffling, some with more enthusiasm than others, but it was no surprise to Kali that by the time she reached the room, Nari was already standing there, appraising those who came in. Kali was the last of eight, and from Nari's narrowing of her eyes, the other girl had noticed too. Just getting off on the wrong foot. Perpetually.

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