Chapter Twenty-five: Now

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This time, Kali wasn't returned to the same hollow she shared with Zakariah. There were no guards, either. They left the pond to a smaller gathering of rocks and a waterfall no taller than Kali was. She wouldn't have thought anything of it until Sh'an had pulled away the mossy covering and revealed a crack just wide enough to slip through. He had told her to follow, and she did, though she pulsated with trepidation. There was excitement too, if more muted, and a thrill ran up her back everytime she remembered the low hum of Sh'an's voice. You are mine.

Her eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness before there was a spark somewhere to her left and a torch ignited, illuminating the space. It was a cave, small, rounded, like the inside of a glass marble. The passageway they'd come in was little more than a dark slit, but the torchlight was reflected off of the falling water in a dazzling display of orange and yellow hues. It wasn't a rush, but more like a calming trickle, sending a wave of coolness that was appreciated by her sweating skin. It reminded her of space, a wide window to look out on the stars.

It was clear that only one person lived in this hollow, and Sh'an at that: it was spartan, with one bed made up of a collection of sticks and taut vines. The fur of an animal, she suspected a jaguar, made up the mattress, and a few excess leathers comprised a makeshift blanket. There were a few packs, a collection of beads on a flat rock. And then there were the weapons, which were clearly the cornerstone of his collection: spears, bows, staffs galore. Sharp daggers made of curved animal fangs. There was even a shortsword made from copper, but that looked more decorative.

There were also pictures on the wall, Kali realised. Pictographs spread across the stone with a story of their own, as well as a few petroglyphs made from scratches carved into the stone. She would have liked to look a little more, but perhaps Sh'an knew she was trying to distract herself. He closed the small gap behind them with an unnerving scrape, and then his hands were on her. They were so warm, as if he'd stuck them into the little flame burning in the corner. They traced up her arms with ease, and she couldn't deny the delicious tremors of desire that coiled through her. But there was reluctance, too.

How could she really know someone she could barely communicate with? And what exactly had she tumbled into? Was this some lifelong bond, and now she had no hope of reaching the science outpost? And what about the no interfering rule? It wasn't quite as high on the list as no violence, but that didn't mean it wasn't there. Getting intimate with a tribe member was definitely not going to be on the easily overlooked list.

Then Sh'an's mouth brushed her neck, and the consequent bolt that travelled up her skin made her gasp. The answering growl from Sh'an was low and prurient. Exhilarating. Her tumult of thoughts crumbled into dust. She'd always had a sensitive neck, which Sh'an learned quickly, his lips skimming with increasing attention as he pulled her close enough that their leathers touched. Heat seemed to emanate from his flesh, scorching her wherever they touched. Kali's chin jerked up, her head falling back on Sh'an's shoulder compliantly as he furthered his exploration, one hand resting beneath her navel, stroking slowly up and down her stomach. The other hand tugged at her leather bandeau.

Her own hand explored more slowly, for she was equal parts tense and liquid. He hadn't really allowed her to touch him before, so this was new territory as she skimmed over a taut stomach and defined pecs. She felt him stiffen as she reached for his neck, fluttering fingertips over the sharp edge of his jaw. But he didn't make her stop, likely because he was more fixated on divesting her of her top. It fell to the ground, a mixture of stone and moss and dirt. The garment hadn't been particularly supportive to begin with; Sh'an let out an appreciative grunt as her breasts spilled into his hands. She wasn't very sensitive there, but the feel of his hands roaming up her skin and over the bud still made her swim with ecstasy.

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