Milia asked  "pinky." Zero said through gritted teeth. The doctor came in and Milia seemed pretty good to leave. As she sat in the passenger seat she was looking out the side mirror and saw a huge light then the car crashed. When they woke up Milia's arms had dark red streaks of what she assumed to be blood "zero!?" She called Milia felt arms wrap around her "I'm here MI amore, your okay"  "b-but I'm bleeding!" " its just dirt "MI amore, I promise never to hurt you "  Milia felt safe in his arms, zero started to let go and Milia pulled him back.  There weeks later Milia had just woken up and she went into the bathroom and saw a beautiful red dress with a note "wear this tonight ;-) " Milia rolled her eyes but pit it on except that it was two sizes to small so it was squeezing her. When zero arrived he stared at her for a while before picking her up and putting her on the back of his motorcycle. "Zero, I'm scared of motorcycles" "MI amore, I promised never to hurt you, I meant it"  as they arrived at the restaurant Milia looked at the building "this looks expensive" "it's only 300,0000 person"   "only!?" "Yes MI amore, now come along" as Milia walked in she saw hundreds of fancy people and they looked rich like "I might be in the mafia" kind of rich Milia held on zero's arm  "zero this place is huge and I don't think I belong here" zero turns towards Milia and kneels down "MI amore, you can think that all you want but you belong on a throne and the world at your fingertips" Milia looked down and  said "zero get up I don't want you to bow down to me" zero nodded and stood up  as they sat down the waiter came up "oh hi boss, what can I get you and your girlfriend I assume?" Zero shot him a look and said "kitchen, now"  "MI amore, I'll be right back stay here" "no, I'm coming with you" zero just sighed and said "come on"  as they walled into the kitchen zero gave the guy a death stare "what, did I say about exposing me in public"  Suddenly Milia tugged at zero's arm "zero my head hurts" suddenly Milia fell to the ground zero held her up and pressed a button on his watch and a helicopter came to pick them up seven hours later Milia work up and she was confused as to where she was.  Zero walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and Milia just stared at him "enjoying your eye candy?" Zero asked laughing "shut up I wasn't even staring" zero walked towards her "are you sure about that MI amore?" "Shut up, anyway where are we?" "Can't tell you that MI amore" suddenly there was a knock on the door "sir,I lost my key" zero threw shorts on and opened the door  "why are you here?" "Boss, you need to see this" Zero froze and  took the man into his Office, in his office Milia heard lots of yelling and screaming so she walked in the door an at least twenty men turned their guns on her. Zero's eyes shot up "shoot her, and  the only thing you will shoot for is the phone to call for  help" zero walked over to Milia "MI amore, why are  you in here?" "I heard yelling and- Milia started but zero cut her off " I'm so sorry MI amore it won't happen again and I saw you maxed out your card" he says as he hands her twenty different cards "treat yourself" Milia just stared at zero and then she slid the cards on a desk and started dragging zero by  the arm as they reached the bedroom Milia started at zero "I'm tired of you using money to push me away! So from now on you listen to me and follow my orders" zero didn't argue "yes,ma'am" "now we are going back to the meeting and you will not yell" as they entered the room everyone stared at Milia  she walked over to the biggest chair and pointed to it, "sit" she told zero. He simply obeyed and sat.  "oh, he's such a puppy dog" one of the newer men said both zero and Milia looked at him Milia walked over and pulled him out of his seat and dragged him towards Zero and shoved him too his knees "apologize"  the guy obeyed and said "sorry, little bro" Milia stared with questionable things going on in her head. Zero Snickers. "you never thought to mention that!?"  Milia yelled "you never, asked MI amore".

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