04. Interest

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You both took a sip of your drinks when Jimin laid back against the chair and said, "So tell me, Y/N. When did you develop this 'pagophagia' thing?" he said as he finger-quoted the term with his two index fingers. "Um, well you see. It kind of just started by me munching on ice cubes when I feel hungry, and from there an addiction starts...." you explained as you munched on an ice cube. "That's pretty cool," he said as he looked at you.

"Why don't you tell me more about yourself?" he asked. "You don't have to tell me everything. Just enough for me to know you well."

"Um, okay...." you said as you sipped your orange juice. "I am 19 and I am a Literature major and I love Art. Mathematics has never been my cup of tea, really. I've always flunked my Mathematic papers," you said as you looked up to see how he would react to that statement.

"Oh," he said, startled. "But with me being the teacher taking over the boring Mr. Kim, do you think you'd be open to accept more Mathematical knowledge?" he asked. You scoffed.

"You wish," you said.

But what he said was pretty true, you might grow to love this subject. Not because of the simplicity that Mathematics has, but because of the teacher that taught you......

"If you don't mind," he said, "I wouldn't mind giving you extra lessons after school." he said as he looked up from his drink to look at you. "Well...sure, I guess? When?" you asked, squealing internally. You loved how he looked at you like that.

You hoped that you were the only student that he had arranged this with. "Everyday after school? We won't touch on weekends. But that's if you're okay with it." he reassured you. You nodded your head, showing that you agreed. You were willing to take up any opportunities for you to spend time with Jimin.

"Great! Come to the empty classroom down the hallway at level 2. Here's my number," he said as he handed you a slip of paper. "Do contact me when necessary. I'll look forward to seeing you everyday then?" he gave you a killer smile.

You smiled in return, feeling yourself blush. You bit your lip to stop yourself from grinning.

"Okay then, Y/N," Jimin said as he looked at his watch. "I have to make a move now, got some plans arranged with my family. I'll see you on Monday?" he said as he got up from his seat. "Sure. Thanks for the drink," you smiled cheekily.

You watched him go as you finished your drink. After all, my Saturday went pretty well...., you thought as you stared at the strip of paper. You got up from your seat and decided that you'd go grocery shopping to stock up on household items.

Time check: 8.42pm.
Returning home with heavy, bulky bags of goods, you felt happy as you looked down at the packs of junk food you had bought for yourself when your phone rang.

"Mum ❤️" it stated on the screen. You wondered why your mum was calling you at this hour.

"Y/N!" your mum called. "I-it's your father! He....he.." your mum struggled to let out the words she wanted to say as you heard her sob. "What's wrong, Mum?" you tried to calm her down. "He got into an accident," your Mum said as she slowed her breathing. "I am at the Seoul Hospital now, awaiting the results from the doctor. I hope he's fine," your Mum continued.

"Seoul Hospital? Did I hear that correctly? What are you doing in Seoul?" you asked. "Dad and I wanted to do some window shopping and get gifts for your Aunt and Uncle's 12th wedding anniversary," she said. "So we decided that we'd come to Seoul without telling you. We thought you'd be busy with your studies," she continued.

"Mum, you could've just told me. I could've brought you around Dongdaemun. It's safe there compared to the bustling streets." you said, feeling guilty that you had not called your parents often to check up on them. "I'll make my way to the hospital. Text me the ward and room he's in," you said as you hung up.

You panicked, not knowing how to react as you felt a tear drip down your cheeks. You decided to call Hani, but to no avail. Right. Today's Saturday. Hani must be busy, you thought. But who else could you call? Hani was your only friend whom you trusted with all you heart.

"Ha~" you sighed as you placed your hands into your pocket, feeling a slip of paper. You reached for it, remembering that Jimin had gave you his number earlier today. Then you remembered his words, "contact me when necessary." You went on to dial his number as you sobbed softly.

"Hello? Jimin speaking," he answered cheerfully. "Who is that?" he continued. "Jimin...." you said as you let out a sob. Instantly, Jimin knew it was you, identifying you by your voice. "Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked. You could hear panic in his voice.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you and your family, Jimin. But I just don't know what to do. My father got into an accident and is now warded at the Seoul Hospital," you said as you wiped the tears off your cheeks. "I was wondering if you could follow me? I am not daring enough to go out alone at this time...." you said, feeling a slight tinge of embarassment at how childish you sound.

"Yeah sure. Where are you? I'll come and fetch you." Jimin said hurriedly. "I live at the building next to you," you said as you scratched your head, now regretting that you've told him where you lived.

"Cool, stand by at the lobby. I'll be there in a few." he said as he hurriedly hung up.

You stared at your blank screen, thinking how thankful you were to have someone else to talk to other than Hani.

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