Chapter One: The Beginning

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The men would run through the forest, a look of pure fear on one, and on the other, a look of excitement. Enjoyment. Pleasure. They were running from someone, or more likely, something.

"Hurry it up, Chris!"

The taller man would yell back to the shorter one as he sped down the rocky stairs, not stopping for anything. He wanted to get away. He wasn't risking it.

"I am! What harm am I doing?"

The shorter one would groan as he followed after him, hurrying down the unsteady steps. Soon enough, they'd reach the boat, which was tied to the end of the Dock of Shame.

"Untie it, Chef! Quick!"

He'd say, hopping into the boat as Chef untied the boat from the Dock, not wasting any time. As soon as it was untied, he also got onto the boat, immediately revving the engine and drove off, not looking back.

Just as they began to drive, Chris would look back, seeing the thing they were running from, what was chasing them. He would stare him silence before turning around to Chef.

". . .Y'know, this is technically my boat. I should drive."

Taking a step towards the steering wheel, gaining a glare from Chef, ignoring his words, keeping his focus on getting away.

It would watch as the boat sped away, its gaze not even flickering away from a second. When the boat finally disappeared into the distance, the creature would slink quietly back into the darkness, not creating a sound as it did so.

The only proof that it had ever been stood there to begin with was the pile of drool at the end of the stairway, which was dried out by morning, by the scorching sun.

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