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What's.........going on?

I........can't move........

Y/N's vision blurred as the world twirled before her very eyes. The sound of ringing reverberated in her ears, drowning out all other noise. A wave of numbness washed over her, seeping into every nerve in her body, as she collapsed onto the soft bed of green grass beneath her.

A deep crimson hue gradually enveloped Y/N's chest, its dampness permeating through her kimono as she extended a trembling hand, yearning for the solace of a comforting touch. Gazing upwards, Y/N's eyes met the obsidian expanse of the night sky, where the delicate crescent moon cast its gentle radiance upon her. Despite her feeble state, a faint smile graced Y/N's lips, as she longed to bask in the ethereal splendor of the nocturnal realm.

Suddenly, the moon was obscured by a tall figure who stood beside Y/N, wearing a malevolent grin. With a cruel smile, they whispered, "You look so beautiful." Y/N's eyes widened as she recognized the person before her. "There's no need to be afraid... I'm here to fulfill your desire," the figure assured. Leaning down, they plunged their hand into Y/N's chest and extracted her heart, which continued to beat. A soft gasp escaped Y/N's lips as her vision gradually faded to darkness, while the figure held her heart in their grasp.

"You're going to play the role of a Princess so very well~"

"Before you say anything, I didn't do it," a young teenaged Satoru Gojo exclaimed as he knelt on the floor in front of his principal. An obviously guilty look was plastered on his face as if to further disprove any innocence he may claim.

"Funny. That's not why you're here. Care to admit to anything, Satoru?" Yaga questioned, folding his arms over his chest in disappointment. Slowly, he leaned over the younger boy, his glare only turning harsher.

"Nuh-uh. Nope. Nada. Never gonna happen. They say snitches get stitches and I don't want to tempt fate—OW OW OW!! LET GO OF ME!" Satoru shouted as the older man pulled on his ear, making him stand up and meet him eye to eye. Or more like, sunglasses to sunglasses. "Suguru! Help a guy out!"

Standing behind the two was the white-haired teens friend and classmate, Suguru Geto, who was merely happy to not be the focus of the older man's harsh glare. "You're doing plenty good on your own, Satoru. Why not tell him about the mess you made in one of the spare rooms too while you're at it." His words only earned a harder tug on the other's ear.

A few moments later, Yaga loosened his grip and let the teen sit back onto the floor. "I do not have time for foolishness Satoru. I asked you here for a mission."

"If you didn't want stupidity, you shouldn't assign him," Suguru muttered under his breath, his words just barely reaching the principals ears. However, with the sharp look that he was sent, he chose to hold his tongue.

"Continuing on...." Satoru stiffened as the principal's eyes raked over him. Though he had far more potential cursed energy, that didn't stop him from feeling intimidated by the buffer and more experienced man. "On your own, I want you to check out an area rumoured to be occupied by a curse. It's been named by the locals 'The Queen of Swans'. Many people have been disappearing at an alarming rate. The lake has always been a center for curses, but it has suddenly spiked. Investigate and exorcise if needed," Yaga informed the two, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.

"That's it? That's so boring and dumb," Satoru boredly said, yawning at the idea. "You would have me, one of the strongest, look around a lake and take out low level curses? Get some grade three sorcerer to do it. Bleh." He rolled his eyes, very clearly not interested in the mission.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to do it. You are doing it. End of story," the principal flatly spoke, making the white-haired teen pout.

"Why can't Suguru join meeee?" Satoru whined, blinking his eyes as if it would help his case.

"Because Shoko and I have a mission of our own," Suguru replied, causing the other to deflate dramatically. "Come on Satoru. I heard they have the most beautiful swans at the lake. Ones that keep people coming despite the high mortality rate. Why don't you go there to see if that's true?" His words seemed to intrigue his classmate, enough to stand from his sitting position with a sigh.

"If you say so. But know that I object to this entire situation! Don't think I don't know about both your manipulation tactics," Satoru spoke up, squinting his eyes at Yaga and Suguru.

"Would you rather clean up that shit you left in the spare room? Perhaps the whole school as well?" Yaga suggested, immediately making Satoru's expression turn serious. "No? Head out."

Satoru expressed his dissatisfaction with a click of his tongue, declaring, "Alright, but the moment I grow bored, I'm out!" With those words, he left the room, oblivious to the fact that the hands of fate were slowly turning for him.........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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𝙎𝙒𝘼𝙉 𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎𝙎 // Satoru Gojo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now