Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Exchange

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As we reached the dungeon's exit, Anthony turned to Tara with furrowed brows. "We need to find Caroline," he insisted, his voice urgent.

Before Tara could respond, a loud bang reverberated through the corridor. We turned to hear a voice calling out, "I'm in here!"

"It's Caroline!" Anthony exclaimed, relief flooding his features.

Anthony then turned his gaze over to Tara as he spoke, "Mom, we have to help her. You have to get her out of there!"

"I sense that there is a protection spell on this door, and my magic isn't strong enough to outweigh Lucion's, but maybe Austin's is," Tara revealed.

Their eyes met mine, and for an instant, I thought they were insane. "Me? Stronger than Lucion. You can't be serious," I laughed.

Tara raised an eyebrow, clearly not amused. "I'm quite serious."

I shook my head as I spoke. "I have already confronted him multiple times. My powers were useless."

"That's probably because you showed fear, and when you show any type of fear, Lucion basically has the ability to drain your powers temporarily. Fear is what he feeds off of. That's what makes him more powerful. But if you push the fear away and don't let it overcome you, you can win," Tara explained.

I let out a shaky breath. It all made so much sense as to why Lucion was trying so hard to break me. He used his manipulations to take advantage of my fears.

"How do I break the protection spell?" I asked with a slight tremor in my voice.

"Well, first, you have to let go of your fear, or the spell won't work." Tara pointed out, noticing my trembling form.

I took a deep breath, allowed my mind to wander, and gently closed my eyes. Just as my body became calm, my eyes flashed open, revealing a bright gold.

"That's it, Austin; now repeat after me. Reserare hoc carcere," Tara whispered.

I muttered those same words under my breath. I focused my energy on the spell, channeling the magic as Tara had instructed. With a surge of power, the door began to creak and groan, the lock slowly disintegrating before our eyes.

As the door swung open, Caroline stepped out, her eyes wide with surprise. "Mom, how are you..." she began, but Tara silenced her with a quick gesture.

"We don't have time to explain now. Let's get out of here before Lucion catches up with us," Tara replied urgently.

With Caroline safely by our side, we made our way out of the dungeon, our hearts pounding as we attempted to flee. We fled the castle and raced toward the ship, our footsteps echoing with every step.

Once we reached the docks, a cloud of smoke billowed before us, revealing Travis standing amidst the dissipating haze. "Where is Lucion?" Tara demanded.

Travis's expression was grim as he replied, "I took care of him. Now, let's get the bloody hell out of here!"

We boarded the ship, leaving the nightmare of the castle behind us as we set sail for safer shores. Yet, even as the wind filled our sails and carried us away, I couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that lingered in the air, a reminder that the fight with Lucion was far from over.

Just as our ship surged forward, propelled by the wind, a sudden tremor rippled through the water beneath us. The sea roared and churned, its once-calm surface turning into a violent whirlpool.

Travis's eyes widened in alarm as he gripped the wheel with white-knuckled intensity. "Hold on!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the howling winds and crashing waves.

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