Chapter Three

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(*After making sure that everything else was ready on the driving course...*)

Me: Okay everybody! I think we're ready. Hey Vixen91, who's gonna be doing their driving test first?

Vixen91: *checks her clipboard* It's going to be Paul Stanley, since he kept us all waiting for him outside the hotel...

Paul Stanley: *nods his head* Okay. Fair enough.

(*The Starchild walks over to the starting line and gets into the vehicle*)

(*It is a purple and black colored sports car*)

Paul: *inserts the key into the ignition to start the engine* Wish me luck!

(*And Paul Stanley takes off in the vehicle he's using for his driving test*)

(*But about five minutes later, something was amiss*)

Eric Singer: *senses danger using his feline abilities* Um...guys?

KellerSinger19: What is it, babe?

Eric Singer: *whispers* I think there's a predator stalking Paul.

Gene: What makes you say that?

Peter: *also senses danger using his feline abilities* We need to get to a safe place. And fast.

Me: *switches to my cat form, runs out in the direction of the danger and then gets into defense mode*

Vinnie: Emily! OH MY GOD! SHE'S GONNA GET—

Suzy: *quickly covers Vinnie's mouth with her hand and whispers* Vinnie! Be quiet!

(*The jaguar begins to stalk...right in the direction of a familiar Starchild...*)

Paul: *stops driving and then puts the vehicle in park* I feel like I'm being watched.

Me: *growls and runs straight towards the jaguar and proceeds to pounce* Gotcha!

Ace: ACK!

(*The jaguar snarls loudly and immediately swiped it's paw at my face to push me away*)

Me: Aaah! 😣 *falls down onto the ground* Ow...that really hurt.

Ace: Peter, do something, man! 😱

Peter: There's no way in hell that I'm picking a fight with a wild animal! 😧

Vinnie: *watches as the jaguar almost gets to Paul by climbing up on the vehicle, but then I knock it off by using my sharp claws* This is isn't good...

Eric Singer: I'll help! *switches to his animal form and goes to help Emily*

KellerSinger19: Me too! *also switches to her animal form, which is a cheetah*

(*The jaguar roars and tries to attack KellerSinger19 and when he missed, it attacked Eric Singer*)

Tommy: Oh no! Eric got knocked out! 😧

Gene: *prepares to use his fire-breathing trick on the jaguar*

Me: *gets back up on my feet and uses my powers to heal Eric Singer*

Eric Singer: *gets back up again* Thanks for healing me Emily.

Me: No problem Itty Bitty Kitty! 😄

(*Suddenly, the jaguar jumped out and landed on the vehicle that the Starchild was driving*)

Paul: *screams* AAAAAAHHH!!! 😱

Me: OH NO! 😨 Get off of Paul Stanley you stupid predator! *starts throwing rocks at the jaguar*

Vinnie: I don't think that's a good idea...😨

(*The jaguar growls and then quickly turns it's attention to Emily, and then runs towards her*)

Me: Aaah! *falls backwards and lands on the ground, accidentally changing myself back to my normal form*

(*The jaguar growls and runs over to Emily and is now ready to attack her*)

Me: *panics and gets scared* Aahhh! 😰

(*Vinnie glares at the jaguar and then quickly switches to his snake form, which is an Egyptian banded cobra, and spreads his cobra hood*)

(*After slithering to the jaguar, he distracts it and stands in front of me, and he opens his mouth to show his fangs and bites the jaguar in the leg, fiercely hissing in anger*)

(*After slithering to the jaguar, he distracts it and stands in front of me, and he opens his mouth to show his fangs and bites the jaguar in the leg, fiercely hissing in anger*)

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(*The jaguar growls at the feeling of being bitten and it backs away from Emily, and then after that, the fierce spotted cat of the Amazon decided that it wasn't worth it, and wanders off, limping in pain, disappearing into the bushes*)

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(*The jaguar growls at the feeling of being bitten and it backs away from Emily, and then after that, the fierce spotted cat of the Amazon decided that it wasn't worth it, and wanders off, limping in pain, disappearing into the bushes*)

Vinnie: *lowers his head while spreading his cobra hood* *hisses* (And stay away from my girl, you mean creature!) 😠

(*Everyone else watches in awe as Vinnie slithers over towards Emily, on top of her upper body, looking at her with a gentle look of concern*)

(*Everyone else watches in awe as Vinnie slithers over towards Emily, on top of her upper body, looking at her with a gentle look of concern*)

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Me: I-I'm okay Vinnie. *gently strokes the back of his head and smiles*

KISS Takes Their Driving Test-PART FIVE Where stories live. Discover now