Chapter two

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When I was about half way through my book I saw that in five minutes we would arrive at Hogwarts. I hadn't been sorted yet so my robe didn't have my house on it. I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave. I checked the time in my phone and I had three minutes to prepare. I put on my headphones and started listening to music. The train came to a stop and I got out. Everything was interesting and different. Way too many kids running around and bustling through. I stayed to myself hoping that my house would like me. I walked into the castle to see two huge double doors. Just then an older looking woman wearing Gryffindor robes, walked in with a witches hat on. She started to say something when a young boy about my age was rushing around trying to find something. He looked quite frantic. I felt bad for him because everyone was either laughing at him, or staring at him like he had two heads. Finally, he said...

The young boy running around frantically: Has anyone seen my toad?

The old woman in a witches hat pointed to a toad on the floor and asked if it was his. The young boy looked down and sighed a relief, before picking it up and putting it into his robe. And with that the woman looked at us and said...

The old woman in the witches hat: before you take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. When you get sorted into your houses, those houses will be like your family. You will eat, take classes and hang out in the common room with them. You will be getting points for your house when you do something good and lose points from your house. When you do something against the rules at the end of the year, we will count out all of the points for each house and which ever house has the most points will get the house cup.

It caught me off guard. I didn't know about most of  she was talking about all I was hoping for that someone would help me figure all of this out or I would be screwed. Yeah, I knew the houses but that didn't mean I knew that they were going to be points or I that I would half to hang out with them. What if they didn't like me? What if I didn't like them? What if I don't make a good impression? What if they thought that I was mean, rude, or even annoying?That was my fear for the day along with hoping I would get into the right house.

We entered the great hall, where I thought of all the other people at the tables, staring at me it freaky I was afraid that they would judge me. Judge me too much think I wasn't good enough, I had to prove myself to them, I had to let them know who I was, that I wasn't like my father that I was a good person.

They started the sorting ceremony. They brought up the dusty old hat that could talk. It looks freaky. I had barely seen any magic in my life now seeing so much of it around me, knowing that the ceiling was right above me, but it looks like it was just outside That had caught me off guard I knew about Hogwarts but I didn't know much about it. I didn't know that there would be magic at every corner you would look. There was so many people there. It was so nerve racking. My father was so happy when I got the letter to go to Hogwarts. I was too but very scared.

I didn't pay much attention to the names, Draco Malfoy, Mateo, Riddle, Hermione, Granger I didn't know any of these people. They seemed important, but I didn't look important. I didn't look like I mattered. I just hoped that I would make friends and make my father proud of me for once. he always compared me to Harry Potter. I didn't like him very much. He was always thinking he was the best because he was the, " chosen one ".  I heard Draco Malfoy's name I looked up and he sat on the stool where professor McGonagle put the sorting hat on his head. I had heard her name was McGonagle from an old white bearded man where he was talking about rules I already knew. Before the sorting hat could even touch a hair on Draco's  head It yelled Slytherin. I had heard bad things about Slytherin. How they were the closest to "you know who" and we're usually death eaters.  I didn't particularly like the Slytherin house y'all seemed rude and mean they all stared at me while I was walking into the grade hall. I was guessing they were Slytherin because they were staring at me with a disgusted look on their faces. I had looked table that was lined with trim matching their houses green colors compared to the Ravenclaw house that had blue colored trim on their tables. Then a couple other people got sorted. Then I heard a name. A name that I dis not like hearing. Harry Potter, Professor McGonagle yelled and everyone looked at him. They all knew who the famous Harry Potter was. I didn't much care for it. I already knew him I had lived half my life with him. Standing in his shadow was not fun. He went up to the store where the hat had a hard time figure out what house it should put him in. Finally it came to an agreement with itself and the hat yelled. Gryffindor! The Gryffindor table erupted in chairs and claps. They were happy they had a famous person in their house. And I hope I wouldn't get Gryffindor. Finally Professor McGonicle called , " Elly Black!" My knees buckled and I walked up, trying to keep a brave face while everyone stared at me anticipating the house I would be put into. The stupid hat started speaking it said, very introverted, love reading I see, loyal, brave. Ravenclaw, would do you nicely. Your hard one you know that? It questioned then it said... Oh I see thirst to prove themselves better be Slytherin!

My heart dropped as I walked down the steps . I noticed everyone staring at me my heart started beating faster and faster it felt like it was about to explode. I walked down the steps where everyone was staring at me I went to the back where I didn't see anyone else I didn't wanna be around anyone. All I wanted to do was sulk in my own pity. I noticed Harry staring at me across the tables.I knew he was mad. He never liked Slytherin, but he also never liked me. He had more reasons to hate me more than he had before. I wasn't quite hungry so on dinner was over. I went up to the Slytherin common room and found my dorm. Luckily, I had my own dorm to myself more space for books, I told myself. Trying to make it sound less depressing than it actually was. It was fine. I had my books and that's all I needed. I didn't need anyone else cause they would just let me down like they had before.

And that I went to bed.

( this was a longer chapter but I hope you guys liked it. Remember to be kind to each other and stay hydrated. Please remember that this is not proofread)

Words: 1307

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