Chapter Three: Hung up on Guilt

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It hadn't even been a full day of the producers being gone, and somebody was already dead. Despite not being well-liked or that memorable, Staci was finally able to have people think of her, miss her, cry over her.

Jo had immediately ran back to the group back at the cabins, a look of pure horror and shock on her face. She could barely get the words out.

"Staci- Shes- She's dead, you guys!"

She'd say, her tone being filled with many different emotions. She didn't even like Staci that much. It was a shame. She was still horrified.

"You're sha-kidding?"

Lightning would ask, raising an eyebrow, not believing her at all. It wasn't that he was in disbelief. He just couldn't imagine somebody killing Staci, let alone any other campers doing it.

"No! I'm not joking. She's- Her head is literally on the cafeteria wall- I can't- it's sick."

She'd choke out, glancing behind her, almost expecting Staci to be there, but she wasn't. She wouldn't be there ever again.

The group would sit or stand there silently. In shock. Pure shock.

". . . You mean, she's actually dead? That can't be right, Jo."

The short, skinny boy would speak up after a moment, shaking his head, crossing his arms over his red hoodie.

"She's isn't lying. Jo wouldn't lie about that."

The military boy would say, standing up and standing beside her. He'd stare at her from the corner of his eye.

". . . Are you- Are you, y'know, alright?"

He would say, placing a hand on her shoulder, a worried and concerned expression on his face. Despite his efforts, Jo would stay silent before nodding her head.

". . . Y-Yeah. I just need some time to myself."

She'd stuff her hands into her pockets before leaving, not even saying goodbye to anyone. Brick would watch her leave, as did everyone else, his hand still in the air. Slowly, he'd turn around to face everyone else.

". . . What do you think happened.?"

Sam would ask, a look of terror on his face. This was nothing like his video games, and he knew it. Everyone knew it. This wasn't a joke.

"What did I miss? I was getting some beauty rest."

The blonde would ask, calmly walking towards them. She'd soon pause, noticing the grim expressions and looks from everyone.

". . . Staci is, well, dead, Dakota."

Sam would sheepishly say, lowering his head to the floor. Everyone would stay there, sitting in silence. The silence eating away at them all. They all hated it. Hated the fact that somebody was dead. Hated the fact that one of their friends were dead. Some more than others.

As they sat there for what felt like years, but actually only around five minutes, Zoey spoke up.

". . . So, what do we do.? I mean, I don't feel safe anymore. Somebody here has murdered Staci."

She'd glance around, moving closer to Mike, wanting comfort, which he gave her.

"Well, it wasn't one of us, at least we know that. That has to be good, right?"

Mike would say, putting an arm around Zoey, looking at Cameron, who was sat their silently, staring at the floor, cogs whirring in his head.

"Oi, short stuff, Mike is tryna speak to you or something."

The tanned girl would speak, crossing her arms, not really taking notice of the fact Staci was dead. She acknowledged it, but she didn't care for Staci.

"Huh? Oh, right, yes. Sorry. I was just thinking. We were all here when Staci died, but. . . Jo wasn't. She was with Staci."

He'd say continuing to look at the floor, trying to avoid people's gaze, but it wasn't working. He could feel all the eyes on him.

". . . Are you saying Jo kill-"

Dakota would start before being cut off by Brick, who stood up, keeping a serious and solemn expression on his face.

"Jo is not a murderer. I'm going to find her and I assure you she will tell us that she didn't do it."

He would then turn around and walk away, in the direction Jo had went previously, which was towards the confessional.
When the boy reached the confessional, he'd knock on the door, awaiting a response if the girl was in there.

"Jo? It's Brick."

He'd say, but there was no reply. Only silence coming from the confessional. Patiently, he would wait outside for a few minutes, before deciding to open the door.

Reaching out for the handle, his hand shook slightly, still caught off guard by the fact somebody was dead, but his priority at the moment was making sure Jo was alright.

When the door opened, Brick was hit with a sense of shock. There, hanging, about a foot from the ground, was Jo. Her skin was pale, the only colour coming from the red and bruising around the rope.

His breath would be caught in his throat, his eyes never leaving the hanging woman.

Jo was always a tough and strong person, never letting her emotions get the better of her. But, she had never experienced such guilt. It was eating away at her. She could endure many things, but not this. She wouldn't have ever forgiven herself.

But now, she hangs around the confessional, wanting to get down and find somebody. Somebody to help her. Somebody to free her. Yet, nobody will ever open the confessional again. So, she can only pray for Staci's forgiveness when she reaches the afterlife.

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